- The Kamchatka peninsula is also mountainous. 堪察加半岛也是山地。
- A hiker climbs amid volcanic fumes in Russia's Kamchatka peninsula. 意译:一位徒步旅行者攀登冒着火山烟雾在俄罗斯的勘察加半岛。
- The six sites included in the serial designation group together the majority of volcanic features of the Kamchatka peninsula. 指定考察的六个景点集合了勘察加半岛的奇异景观。
- In the untamed frontier of the Kamchatka Peninsula, poaching keeps the bears at risk. 在堪察加半岛蛮荒的边疆,偷猎让俄罗斯熊处于危险之中。
- It successfully hit the designated target on the Kamchatka Peninsula, the spokesman added. 它成功击中了在堪察加半岛的指定目标,发言人继续说。
- Luke Harding reports on ecological disaster in Russia's remote Kamchatka Peninsula. 卢克&8226;哈丁报道发生在俄罗斯偏远的勘察加半岛的生态灾难。
- In the hunt for furs, Russians pushed north and east to the Kamchatka peninsula. 为了捕猎毛皮动物,俄国人向东北推进到勘察加半岛。
- An arm of the northwest Pacific Ocean west of the Kamchatka Peninsula and Kuril Islands. It is connected with the Sea of Japan by narrow straits. 鄂霍次克海太平洋西北部的一个边缘海,在堪察加半岛和千岛群岛的西面,有窄小的海峡与日本海相通。
- Russia's remote Kamchatka Peninsula has some of the richest salmon runs in the Pacific, sustaining animals and communities. Now the fish need help. 俄罗斯遥远的堪察加半岛有着太平洋最丰富的鲑鱼鱼群,它们维系着生态的延续。但是现在它们自己却急需被拯救。
- It extends for 750 mi (1,200 km) from the southern tip of Russia's Kamchatka peninsula to the northeastern coast of Japan's Hokkaido island. 从俄罗斯堪察加半岛最南端到日本北海道岛东北角沿岸,延展达1,200公里。
- Koryak, with fewer than 5,000 speakers south of Chukchi;and Itelmen, spoken on the Kamchatka Peninsula by fewer than 100 people. 楚克奇以南有不到5,000人操科里亚克语,以及居住在堪察加半岛的不到100人讲的伊捷尔缅语。
- "This is the first time in the history of the Russian Navy missile to the target in the equatorial Pacific region, rather than launching site of the Kamchatka Peninsula. “这是俄罗斯海军历史上第一次把导弹的目标设在太平洋赤道区域,而不是堪察加半岛的试射场”。
- That paradox applies to Kronotsky Zapovednik, a remote nature reserve on the east side of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, along the Pacific coast a thousand miles north of Japan. 这些似是而非的论点适用于克罗诺基自然保护区,一个位于沿日本北部一千英里的太平洋海岸线上的堪察加半岛东侧的遥远的保护区。
- "This is the first time in the history of Russian missiles to the goal of the equator in the Pacific region, rather than launching site of the Kamchatka Peninsula. “这是俄军历史上第一次把导弹的目标设在太平洋赤道区域,而不是堪察加半岛的试射场”。
- On Russia's Kamchatka peninsula, brown bears are starving as poachers pillage a wealth of salmon. The remote region faces ecological meltdown as fish stocks are obliterated. Luke Hardingreports. 在俄罗斯的堪察加半岛,由于偷猎者掠夺大量的大马哈鱼,棕熊正在挨饿。鱼群的消失使这个偏远地区面临着生态崩溃。卢克·哈丁报道。
- The sources of sediments mainly are terrigenous sediments,biogenic sediments and volcanic sediments in the suvey area and they are mostly from the Kamchatka Peninsula in the east of USSR and Aleutian Islands. 另外 ,该区沉积物的物源主要为陆源沉积物、生物源沉积物和火山源沉积物 ,它们主要来源于俄罗斯东部的勘察加半岛、美国的阿拉斯加半岛及阿留申群岛
- an inactive volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula; last erupted in 1946. 位于勘察加半岛的休眠火山。
- His house is located on the tip of the peninsula. 他的房子位于半岛的顶端。
- A native or inhabitant of the Iberian Peninsula. 伊比利亚人伊比利亚半岛的土著人或居民
- 2 of 4: Ash and steam billow from Karymsky Volcano in Russia’s dramatic Kamchatka Peninsula. 2/4:丽姆斯卡火山坐落于美丽的俄罗斯堪察加半岛,爆发时形成的巨大尘埃与蒸汽团喷腾如海。