- NC-1900arginine-vasopressin fragment analog(NC-1900)
- 雍松,E.O.V.(1900-1976)Eyvind Olof Verner Johnson (1900~1976)
- 84液84 solution
- 三个海盆都被1900米的等深线所圈闭。All three basins are enclosed by the 1900m depth contour.
- WGS-84WGS-84
- 英国作曲家(1842-1900)。English composer (1842-1900).
- 泉薯84Quanshu84
- 美国的大峡谷1900米深。The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep.
- 84消毒液84 disinfectant
- 《读者文摘》每月印行1900多万份。"Reader's Digest" prints nearly 19 million copies a month.
- 84消毒剂84 disinfectant
- 亚硫酸钙反应在大约1900°F时逆向。The ?? reaction reverses at about 1900°F.
- 于循环再用试验计划中,回收铝罐约84公斤,胶樽约130公斤。About 84 kilograms of aluminum cans and 130 kilograms of plastic bottles were collected under the trial recycling program for aluminum cans and plastic bottles.
- [医] 钋(84号元素)Pocill.
- 1900毫米板坯连铸机润滑脂的选用探讨Exploration on Selection of Lubrication Grease Used in 1900mm Slab Continuous Caster
- WGS-84模型WGS-84 ellipsoid model
- 美国的大峡谷深1900米,最宽达25公里。The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep and 25 kilometers wide at its maximum.
- 84大地坐标84 geodetic coordinates
- 上述语句现在将插入日期显示为1900-01-01。The above statement now results in the insertion of the date 1900-01-01.
- 答:84岁!A: Eighty-four!