- In 1938 war was brewing in Europe. 1938年欧洲酝酿著一场战争。
- A fourth estate is being planned in Tuen Mun. 工业园公司现正筹划在屯门兴建第四个工业园。
- Kal Design is a Large UK Brand Management Company. 凯莱多彩是英国的一家大型品牌管理公司。
- Chon, everyone's confidante, gave her no clues. 而作为每一个人的心腹,Chon也没有给她任何消息。
- Joe and I finished Harvard in 1938. 乔和我是在一九三八年从哈佛大学毕业的。
- Supplies the natural wild Dong Chon Xia Cao. 供应天然野生冬虫夏草.;我们的优势: 我们是整个销售模式中最源头的卖家,如果你想找一个稳定的、最上游的的卖家,那就找我们吧。
- The war on Haruun Kal was messy and personal. 哈伦卡尔到处是不受约束、不讲分寸的大混战。
- In Hindi kal ki avatar means "tomorrow\'s avatar". 在印度教,卡尔基阿瓦塔表示“未来的阿瓦塔”。
- Visited Reptile House in Tuen Mun Park. 游览屯门公园爬虫馆。
- Germany annexed Austria in 1938. 1938 年德国吞并了奥地利。
- Retrofit noise barriers on Tuen Mun Road. 于屯门公路安装隔音屏障。
- The 1938 addition had negligible damage. 1938年的扩建部分只有极轻微的破坏。
- A hiker was killed by lightning in Tuen Mun. 一名行山人士在屯门遭受雷殛。
- Restrictions were introduced in England in 1938. 1938年英格兰采取了限制。
- The bird's body was found in Tuen Mun Park . 这头小白鹭尸体星期一在屯门公园被发现。
- Doctor Bethune arrived in Yan'an in spring 1938. 白求恩大夫于1938年春到延安。
- Shing Mun fire fish in the moat suffer! 城门失火殃及池鱼!
- In 1938 he had won a Nobel Prize. 他在1938年就已获得诺贝尔奖。
- Watashi wa i ji mun dai alima suuuuu. 我有一个问题想请问妳.
- Their army came into being in 1938. 他们军成立于1938年。