- Vaenzgeis ndayjlaeb,gya laiz gais sley kek dob toj! 今天有点时间,加写汉字壮读!
- KEK B-Factory Design Report, KEK Report 95-7. 上海同步辐射装置工程总体设计报告[R].;1996年9月
- The Synchrotron is a time machine. 倍;同步加速器是一部时间机器。
- Synchrotron radiation also has commercial application. 同步加速器辐射还有一些商业上的应用。
- Soft X-Ray Contact Microimaging Using Synchrotron Radiation[J]. 引用该论文 谢行恕;贾成芝.
- The Synchrotron has also played an important part in advances in air safety. 同样,同步加速器在先进的航空安全性方面发挥着重要的作用。
- The synchrotron radiation faciliry(SRF) is a huge scientific equipment. 本文介绍一种大科学装置--同步辐射装置。
- We collect the high quality synchrotron x-ray structure data of SeMet-TNPPase. 每个单体由结合比较紧密的两个结构域组成,两个结构域的一级结构有交叉。
- Photoionization Studies of Azobenzene Using Synchrotron Radiation[J]. 引用该论文 盛六四;武国华;陈韦;高辉;张允武.
- The beam from KEK carries higher-energy neutrinos, which can be spotted easily even with the surviving tubes spread more sparsely across the detector. KEK产生的射束带有较高能的微中子,所以即使是只用幸存但散布较疏的光电管,也仍可轻易将之侦测出来。
- Kek Lok Si Temple's cheerful colour is a bit unusual compared with those in China. 过去总觉得寺庙的颜色比较肃穆,极乐寺热闹的颜色让人精神一振。
- The test and calibration of the detectors of the BES luminosity monitor were performed at KEK Japan. 北京谱仪亮度监测器的探测器在日本KEK进行了束流测试和刻度.
- Many pilgrims make a visit to the Kek Lok Si on Penang island to pray for good luck. 很多香客会拜访槟城岛上的极乐寺求好运气。
- The audience is played by Lim Kek, games, the link witty dialogue, let himself could not take their own. 玩家扮演的正是这位林克,游戏当中,林克诙谐的对白,会让自己都受不了自己。
- Kek Galabru, head of the local human rights group Lichadho, says that ruling party activists are threatening voters. 加拉布吕是当地一个人权组织的负责人。她说,执政党的活动人士在威胁选民。
- Then they zap the results with a stream of particles from the laboratory's elderly proton synchrotron. 等一起就绪,他们便用实验室里的老式质子加速器产生某种粒子流,轰击云室中的大气层。
- Kek Siang Furniture - Manufactures furniture, doors and windows. Services, products, profile and projects. Located in Kampung Lukut Cina. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
- A large proton synchrotron,uses frequency modulation of an electric field to accelerate protons. 一种大的质子同步加速器,用电域的调频加速质子。
- General references on synchrotron radiation deal with three different aspects of the subject. 一般的同步辐射研究都是讨论这一课题的三个不同方面。
- The electron cloud effect limits the performance of several accelerators with high beam current, such as SLAC and KEK B factories, the CERN SPS and the CERN PS. 电子云效应限制了几台加速器的高束流密度运行;例如SLAC和KEK的B工厂;CERN的SPS与PS.