- Britain's nearest neighbor is France. 英国最近的邻居是法国。
- K nearest neighbor classification code, with input and output and procedures for use. 最近邻分类的代码,附有输入输出和程序使用说明。
- Britain rs nearest neighbor is France. 英国最近的邻居是法国。
- Davy's nearest neighbor lived seven miles away. 离他们最近的邻居还有七英里远。
- This technology which combines Decision Trees and K Nearest Neighbor, can mine the relative similarity of latent-item in the course of case search. 该方法将决策树法和近邻检索法等数据挖掘技术相结合,对事例检索过程中必需的特征项相似度进行挖掘。
- This paper presents a modified K nearest neighbor(MK NN) track correlation algorithm applying to distributed multisensor data fusion. 提出一种适合于分布式多传感器数据融合的新的航迹相关算法(MK-NN)。
- We also extend BANNS to process All-k-Nearest-Neighbor queries which means given two sets of spatial objects A, B, find each object in A its k nearest neighbors in B. 综上,我们研究了道路网络中的多对象最近邻查询问题,提出一个新颖的查询处理算法BANNS,并对其进行了扩展。
- In this paper, we address the issue of KNN (K Nearest Neighbor) query and try to add a little important geographic data on Hilbert Curve Index Structure. 空间查询一直以来是资料库领域的研究议题,所发展出来树状的索引资料结构,并不适用于无线广播系统。
- The algorithm combines genetic algorithms and2-opt local search opti-mization,in order to speed up the computation,K Nearest Neighbors Sets is proposed to decrease the search space ac-cording to the characteristic of TSP. 该算法结合遗传算法和2-opt邻域搜索优化技术,并针对旅行商问题的特点,提出K近邻点集以缩减搜索空间从而加快求解速度。
- The noise of quarrel from that family disturbed the near neighbors. 那家的吵闹声惊扰了街坊四邻。
- Four different feature selection methods are discussed,including Document Frequency(DF),Mutual Information(MI),X2 test(CHI),Correlation Coefficient(CC),and the correction of text categorization is compared using the algorithm of K nearest neighbor. 考察了文档频率DF、互信息MI、CHI统计、CC统计四种不同的特征选择方法;并结合K近邻算法进行分类精度上的比较.
- Improved KNN-SVM that combined Support Vector Machine(SVM) with weighted K Nearest Neighbor(KNN) is presented to improve the accuracy of gender recognition nearby SVM hyperplane. 摘要 针对支持向量机(SVM)在超平面附近进行性别识别的不准确性,引入进行加权的K近邻(KNN)算法。
- The crystal structure has each atom surrounded by eight nearest neighbors which lie at the corners of a cube. 其晶体结构是每个原子都被8个最邻近的原子所包围,它们分别位于立方体的各个角上。
- We were, however, worried about our nearest neighbors, whose farm was low lying and who were newcomers to the district. 不过,我们很为我们的近邻担心。他们的农场地势低洼,而且他们又是新来乍到。
- Continuous Nearest Neighbors (CNN)inquiry is to retrieve nearest neighbors of every point on given line segment. 连续近邻查询(CNN)要检索一给定查询线段上每一点的近邻。
- Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round up. 向(距离)最近的一边舍入,除非两边(的距离)是相等;如果是这样,向上舍入;1.;55保留一位小数结果为
- Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case round down. 向(距离)最近的一边舍入,除非两边(的距离)是相等;如果是这样,向下舍入;例如1.;55保留一位小数结果为1
- Continuous k Nearest Neighbor queries queries 连续k近邻查询
- Application of nearest neighbor bootstrap regressive model in predication of water environment. 最近邻抽样回归模型在水环境预测中的应用。
- The fact that man would soon be able to visit the moon built up new scientific interest in earth's nearest neighbor. 人类不久可以游览月球的事实,引起了对地球最近邻居的新的科学兴趣。