- Beijing Tai Sheng High Technology Co., Ltd. 北京太盛高科技有限公司。
- Tai Sheng Hui suo Hotel Provide enthusiasm for you thoughtful,prfessional fast service,make your trip perfect. 泰盛会所酒店为您提供热情周到,专业快捷服务,使您的旅行尽善尽美。
- Spotting the signboard over the gate with the name "The Tai Sheng Chang Shipping Company," the man emerged completely and quickly made for the building with his bodyguard close behind him. 看见迎面那所小洋房的大门上正有“戴生昌轮船局”六个大字,这人也就跳下车来,一直走进去。老关紧跟在后面。
- Birds mainly black-noise Mei, DAI Sheng, Banjiu, woodpecker, the winged birds, sparrows, crows, magpies, owls, Bugu, Swallow, ring-necked pheasants, wild pigeons, such as Cangying. 鸟类主要有黑面噪鹛、戴胜、斑鸠、啄木鸟、金翅雀、麻雀、乌鸦、喜鹊、猫头鹰、布谷、燕子、环颈雉、野鸽、苍鹰等。
- Dalian Eco-Tec-Deve. Zone Sheng Tai Plastic Products Co., Ltd. 大连本德汽车部件有限公司。
- "By the way, the Tai Sheng Chang Shipping Company's just sent over the old master's luggage, twenty-eight pieces all told." “老太爷带来的行李,刚才‘戴生昌’送来了,一共二十八件。”
- The Korean war touched off scarebuying in 1951. 年韩战引起了抢购。
- Brien E, sheridan J, O Malley K, Dippers ang nondippers, Lancet 1988,2(8607) :397. 孙刚.;高血压患者的血压昼夜变化与靶器官损害[J]
- Are we looking at the Ang Lee of music? 我们看到了一个音乐界的李安吗?
- Then in 1951, he published East of Eden. 其后,他在1951年发表了《伊甸园以东》。
- Another basic quantity is the bulk modulus K. 另一个基本的量是体积模量K。
- Ang, Ien. Watching Dallas. London: Methuen, 1985. 《观看〈达拉斯〉》。伦敦:梅图恩出版社,1985年版。
- The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded him in 1951. 1951他被授予了诺贝尔和平奖。
- Miss T'ang opened her eyes wide in amazement. 唐小姐也睁大了眼。
- ALICE HEFFERNAN: I've been baptized since 1951. ALICE安丽丝.;赫弗南:我自1951年受洗。
- Feature audio commentary with Director Ang Lee. 导演李安解说音轨。
- Gold jewelry bears a number and the letter K. 金制的珠宝与一个数字和字母k有关。
- JAPAN. Tokyo. Meiji Temple. Shinto priests. 1951. 1951年,日本东京,明治寺的神道教僧侣。
- His death is weightier than Mount Tai. 他的死比泰山还重。
- Guangzhou Technology ang Bussiness College. 广州工商职业技术学院。