- Says Schwartz, "It's very sheer and natural, and gave her just a hint of color. 大多塑料可以制成不同的颜色,可以是透明,半透明或不透明的。
- There was just a hint of pepper in the soup. 汤里只放了一点儿胡椒粉。
- She dabbed cheek apples with Lorac Sheer Wash in Sheer Luck, a translucent rose color. Says Schwartz, "It's very sheer and natural, and gave her just a hint of color. 塑料用途广泛而且生产成本低,比其它许多相同强度的材料轻,不象金属和木材,塑料不会腐烂。大多塑料可以制成不同的颜色,可以是透明,半透明或不透明的。
- There is just a hint of pepper in the soup. 汤里只放了一点儿胡椒粉。
- This is a full-bodied wine with just a hint of sweetness. 这是一种味道醇厚的葡萄酒,只有一丝甜味。
- There is a good Old Rose fragrance with just a hint of raspberry. 开花时有着很好的古典玫瑰香气,仅带有一点点覆盆子味道。
- She made the cakes with chocolate and just a hint of rum. 她用巧克力和一点点朗姆酒做蛋糕。
- Just a hint of color 些微色彩
- just a hint of color. 些微色彩
- There was more than a hint of sadness in his voice. 他的声音里有许多哀伤的成分。
- Fresh tropical fruit aromas and flavours with just a hint of wood notes. 新鲜热带果香混合淡淡的橡木味。为丽嘉酒店全球驻店餐酒。
- Bouquet: A fresh, lively, peachy style with just a hint of supporting oak. 气味:新鲜、活跃,有桃子和一丝橡木的香味。
- These are just a hint of the features our new webmail system will include. 这些只是提示的功能我们新的邮件系统将包括。
- There's a hint of summer in the air. 空气中有了一点夏天的味道。
- Bright peach-pink with just a hint of shimmer. UV reactive. May temporarily stain, especially when used wet. 明亮的蜜桃粉色带淡淡的微光。紫外线反应。可能暂时染色,尤其是湿用时。
- He let fall a hint of his intentions. 他吐露出一点他的意向。
- Soft and smooth, this Zinfandel offers aromas of plum and cherry with just a hint of pepper and spice. 口感柔和顺滑,梨子和樱桃的芳香中透出胡椒和香料香。
- He just stares at me from under his wide-brimmed hat with just a hint of a smile. 他只是戴着他的宽边帽凝视着我,目光中带着一丝微笑。
- There was a hint of anger in his voice. 他声音中带有一点怒气。
- Bright purple with a pink hue and has just a hint of shimmer. May temporarily stain, especially when used wet. 明亮的紫色带粉红调,淡淡的微光。可能暂时染色,尤其是湿用时。