- Just Noticeable Shift 刚能发现的位移
- By utilizing the just noticeable distortion (JND) values, the transparency of the hidden watermark can be guaranteed. 算法中引入了人眼视觉模型,使得算法有好的视觉隐蔽性。
- This paper expands the just noticeable distortion (JND) analysis based on the human visual system (HVS) to apply it in the DEM data. 扩展了只针对图像的基于视觉系统(human visual system;简称HVS)小波域量化噪声的视觉权重(justnoticeable distortion;简称JND)分析方法;使其适用于DEM数据;自适应地确定信息隐藏的强度.
- The embedding strength is decided by the just noticeable difference of the image and the cover image is not needed during the extraction of watermark. 水印的嵌入强度由图像的视觉临界差异决定,水印的提取不需要载体图像。
- Hey! Just noticed Lady Liberty's right foot was not firmly on the pedestal. 嘿!刚注意到自由女神的右脚并非稳固地踏在台座上.
- method of just noticeable difference 恰辨差异法
- just noticeable difference (JND) 差别阈限
- JND (just noticeable difference ) JND
- Just Noticeable Difference (JND) threshold JND阈值
- She felt just the same as he did. 她和他的感受相同。
- method of just noticeable differences 最小觉差法
- just noticeable difference (jud) 最小可觉差
- He has just turned professional. 他刚转为专业人员。
- Say, just notice in the paper the way the New York Assembly stood up to the Reds? 你看到报上说纽约议会怎么和赤色分子顶牛吗?
- Steve: The prices sure are reasonable. Hey! I just noticed that all of the fruit sold here is organic. 价格真的很合理。嘿!我刚刚发现这里卖的水果全都是有机水果呢。
- You don"t retire in this business. You just notice the phone hasn"t rung for 10 years. 干这行的没退休这回事。你只会注意到电话已经10年没响过了。
- LL: Well, I just noticed that you have a brown spot smack-dab in the middle of your sweater. 什么?我毛衣上有一块咖啡色的脏东西?哎呀!肯定是我早上吃巧克力时滴在衣服上的。你说的对,这还恰恰在我毛衣的正中间。
- And it is human nature that we all embrace the benefits with much greater enthusiasm than to even just notice the down side risks. 基于人类天性,我们当然欣赏事物正面的好处,反面的风险却甚少留意。
- He uses his loaf where you and I just muddle along. 他开动脑筋想办法,你我则糊里糊涂混日子。
- Just notice how much emphasis is given to cleanliness in religious places, how much attention is given to having pious thoughts in such places. 相信大家都有注意到,关于在这些严谨的地方应该如何保持清洁的许多重点在上面已经给出了。