- The Research on Bona Fide Acquisition of Jura in Re Aliena 他物权善意取得制度探析
- Jura in Re Aliena 他物权
- jus in re aliena [法] 他物权
- Habitatio is a kind of ius in re aliena with a personal nature as well as a property nature. 居住权兼具人身性和财产性,是他物权的一种。
- The foundation of the theory of presumption of effectiveness of “Jus In Re” of Bills of Lading has the theoretical and practical signality. 鉴于提单物权效力推定性理论的建立,在理论和实践方面都有重要价值,我国应当尽快建立提单物权效力推定的法律制度。
- The presumed jus in re incorporated in bill of lading is absolute and complete ownership of the goods, not any other kind of right to the goods, or possession on the goods. 物权效力推定的含义:其一,任何一份提单,只要表面上的记载符合提单的形式,就应当被推定对其所示的货物有物权效力,代表了货物的所有权;
- On Timely Aquisition System Law Of Jus In Re 善意取得制度浅析
- The Bona Fide Acquisition of Movable Estate of Jura in Re Aliana 动产他物权的善意取得探析
- Theory on the presumption of effectiveness of jus in re in bill of lading 提单物权效力推定论
- The relative Epo deficieny in RA with ACD. RA伴ACD者体内Epo相对不足;
- On Legalism of Jus In Re 物权法定主义研究
- jus in re [法] 物权
- jus in re propria [法] 自物权
- Therefore,Infection of Moniliform Coccobacteria in Re... 白色念珠菌是念珠菌中致病力最强的真菌。
- Does the Transferred Jus in Rem Alone Ensure the Security of a Deal? 物权行为之无因构成能否保障交易安全?
- The overall annual incidence of LRTI in RA patients was 2.3%. 类风湿关节炎患者下呼吸道感染的总的年发病率为2.;3%25。
- In re Smith vs Jones, the court has adjourned the hearing till next week. 关于史密斯与琼斯一案,法庭延期至下周开审。
- Edox): Maitre Horloger Christian Ruefly sets up his own watchmaking company in the Jura in Switzerland. 1884(伊度表):制表名师Christian Ruefly 在瑞士的侏罗山脉地区创立了自己的手表公司。
- Hallo,Ich bin Amy.Ich studiere Jura in Warwick waren.Dann, ich arbeit in a bank. 一位小朋友,对于人生和情感具有玫瑰色的理想主义情怀,相当喜欢浪漫的爱情小电影。
- In re Smith vs Jones,the court has adjourned the hearing till next week. 关于史密斯与琼斯一案,法庭延期至下周开审。