- I can't remember quarreling with him in junior high school. 我不记得国中时和他吵过架。
- Junior high school boys 初中男生
- They were stuck on each other ever since junior high school. 打从初中开始,他们就彼此相爱。
- What is your best memory from junior high school? 初中最好的记忆是什么?
- My father teaches biology in a junior high school. 我的父亲在国中敎生物学。
- How to Review Physics of Junior High School Well? 如何搞好初中物理总复习?
- Son is a junior high school student. 他们的儿子是一位初中生。
- I teach at Ta Tung junior High School. 我在大同中学教书。
- She is a junior high school student. 她是个国中生。
- High school boys in the country are forbidden to wear long hair. 在这个国家;中学男生不得留长发.
- He is a teacher of a junior high school. 他是一个初级中学的教师。
- She also minored in violin in junior high school. 国中时还有副修小提琴。
- Ex: Many high school boys fall for the young singer. 许多高中男生迷恋那位年轻歌手。
- Junior high school girl students fit more comfortable than boys in life and aboriginal students do better than ordinary students. 捌、国民中学青少年在生活适应上女生优于男生,原住民青少年比一般生的适应好。
- Boys and junior high, vocational high school students who were administered with web SAQ were more likely to report substance use and life events than those with paper SAQ. 此外,填写网路版问卷的男性及国中、高职学生对于物质使用与生活事件的陈报率都比填写纸笔版问卷的学生较高。
- They are sticked on each other ever since junior high school. 打从初中开始,他们就彼此相爱。
- I can not remember quarreling with him in junior high school. 我不记得国中时和他吵过架。
- Challenge Yourself by Junior High School Coursework! 用初中生的题目来个小挑衅,呵呵,看看谁能给出正解。
- Mark has been Luke's sidekick since junior high school. 打从初中开始,马克和路克一直就是哥儿俩。
- Michael Jordan has been a great athlete since junior high school. 迈克尔乔丹是一位伟大的运动员,因为初中。