- Remittance must be completed by July 30, Monday. 汇款截止日期为7月30日;星期一.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Graz,Austria on July 30,1947. 阿诺。史瓦辛格于一九四七年七月三十日出生在奥地利的格拉斯城。
- The school broke up on July 30 and all the boys went home for the holidays. 学校于七月三十日放假,孩子们都回家度假去了。
- July 30: Acquired OF Bobby Abreu from Philadelphia for four prospects. 7月30日:以4名新秀从费城人换得阿伯优。
- Eventing horses will leave from Stansted Airport outside London on July 30. 如三日赛赛马将于7月30号从伦敦城外的斯坦斯特德机场出发;
- On July 30,Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on the commencement of its new ordinance. 《岭南大学条例》在一九九九年七月三十日生效,岭南学院亦于同日改名为岭南大学。
- On July 30, Lingnan College was retitled Lingnan University on the commencement of its new ordinance. 《岭南大学条例》在一九九九年七月三十日生效,岭南学院亦于同日改名为岭南大学。
- Beginning July 30, the charge for adults seeking residency will exceed 1,000 dollars. 七月三十日起,成人申请居住权的费用会超过1000美金。
- A helicopter carries water to extinguish a wildfire burning close to El Arenal, Spain on July 30, 2009. 一架载水扑灭大火燃烧近埃尔阿雷纳尔,西班牙在2009年7月30号。
- On July 30, 2003, gu Hanlin is suspected of uxoricide case be being tried in open a court session of local high court. 2003年7月30日,贾翰林涉嫌杀妻案在当地高等法院开庭审理。
- Regarded as one of the masters of cinema, Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, in the 1960s, passed away July 30, 2007. 英格玛伯格曼是被称为影院主宰之一的瑞典电影制片人,图为伯格曼在1960年,他于2007年7月30日去世。
- Jeff: On July 30,two Spanish teams dropped out. Thus,the number of dropping out teams reached five. Only 16 teams were left of the total 21 teams. 杰夫: 7月30日又有两支西班牙车队退出比赛,这样,罢赛的车 队总数达到5支,21支参赛车队只剩下16支。
- The Delegation expressed the view that the IIM's main function was to make a report for the General Assembly of that year by the end of July 30, 2005. 该代表团认为,IIM的主要职能是在2005年7月30日前编写一份提交该年大会的报告。
- Jeff: On July 30, two Spanish teams dropped out. Thus, the number of dropping out teams reached five. Only 16 teams were left of the total 21 teams. 杰夫: 7月30日又有两支西班牙车队退出比赛,这样,罢赛的车 队总数达到5支,21支参赛车队只剩下16支。
- Born on July 30, 1947 in Graz, Austria, Schwarzenegger was raised with strict rules and morals instilled by his parents. 1947年7月30日施瓦辛格出生于奥地利的格拉茨,从小受到父母严厉的管教和道德思想的熏陶。
- The South Korean boat was seized on July 30 after it strayed into North Korean waters when its satellite navigation system malfunctioned. 这艘韩国的渔船因为卫星导航系统发生故障于7月30日误闯北朝鲜的海域而被扣留。
- Caption :Deep cuts: Whalers peel back a layer of fat, or blubber, before harvesting the meat underneath on July 30 in Wada Port. 描述:深深的口子:7月30日和田港,获得下面的肉之前,捕鲸人划开一层脂肪,或称鲸油。
- July 30: A videotaped beating of a man under arrest raises questions about appropriate use of force for New York City police. 一个男子被警察粗鲁逮捕的录像引发人们对纽约警察应该适当执法的讨论。
- A US KC-135 Stratotanker refuels a F15 fighter jet in the air above the Forward Operating Base Shank in Logar Province, Afghanistan on July 30, 2009. 一位美国的KC - 135加油机加油,在上述的前进行动基地柄在洛加尔省,于2009年7月30日阿富汗空中架F15战斗机。
- The Appeal Court's ruling on July 30 upheld the legitimacy of the Provisional Legislature and put the validity of all laws passed after June 30 firmly beyond any doubt. 上诉法院在七月三十日裁定临时立法会的合法地位,所以六月三十日以后通过的法例,确实全部都具有法律效力。