- Julius Caesar was stabbed to death. 儒略凯撒被刺死。
- Julius Caesar was ravished by Cleopatra's beauty. 克娄巴特拉的美貌使恺撒一见倾心。
- Julius Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B. C. 凯撒在西元前五十年时征服高卢。
- Julius Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B.C. 凯撒在公元前五十年时征服高卢。
- Guide: That is the skull of Julius Caesar. 导游:那是朱利叶斯凯撒的头盖骨。
- What do you know of Julius Caesar? 关于朱利叶斯凯撒你知道些什么?
- She might have remained in exile had it not been for Julius Caesar. 若不是尤利乌斯?凯撒,她或许仍流放在外。
- It is an anachronism to say Julius Caesar looked at his watch. 说凯撒看了看手表,那是弄错时代了。
- B.C.95 The Roman army under Julius Caesar invaded Britain. 公元前95年,朱蒂斯。凯撒率领罗马军队侵略英国。
- July, is named after Julius Caesar, a famous Roman general. 七月,是在朱利亚斯·撒,一个著名的罗马将领之后命名的。
- Veni, vidi, vici I came, I saw, I conquered -Gaius Julius Caesar. 我来了,我见到了,我征服了。
- August was named after Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar’s nephew. 八月按照奥古斯都*凯撒,朱利叶斯*凯撒的外甥命名。
- Many famous personages, like Julius Caesar, have left their marks on the city. 在这座城市,朱利斯·恺撒等很多名流要士都留下了他们的印记。
- In 55BC and 54BC, Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice. 公元前55年和54年,罗马将军朱略斯·凯撒两次入侵英国,均未成功。
- When Julius Caesar invaded Britain in 55 B. C., English did not exist. 公元前55年罗马大将尤里斯·凯撒的军队入侵英国时,英语还不存在。
- In war important events result from trivial causes -Gaius Julius Caesar. 在战争中,一些微不足道的小事会引起重大的事件。
- Julius Caesar was the first government official to order a traffic control act. 恺撒是第一个颁布控制 交通法案的政府官员.
- The Mermaid Company will present Tom Hill as Brutus in "Julius Caesar". 美人鱼剧团将由汤姆·希尔演出《裘力斯·恺撒>中的布鲁塔斯。
- After Julius Caesar, his grandnephew Augustus became the ruler of Rome. 在凯撒之后,他的外孙奥古斯塔斯(AUGUSTUS)成为罗马的统治者
- Julius Caesar, the Roman military and political leader, was born in 100 BC. 凯撒大帝生于公元前100年,是罗马的军事和政治领袖。