- Juergen Saumel 尤尔根·萨乌梅尔,奥地利足球运动员,司职中场
- Juergen Knott, Vice president of Bosch Automotive Products (Suzhou) Co. Ltd. 博世汽车部件(苏州)有限公司副总裁。
- Germany's deputyForeign Minister Juergen Chrobog hopes they will all be back on European soil in the next few days. 德方代表,德国外交部长。
- Juergen pipper says the device can process complex taxestasks in a way similar to a traditional biological laboratory. 乌根皮蓬说这个设备可以用一种近似于传统生物实验室的方法进行复杂的工作。
- In the team that day in Hamburg were goalkeeper Juergen Croy and defender Bernd Bransch. 在汉堡的那支球队里有西德守门员尤尔根?克洛伊,东德的后卫贝尔德?布兰斯切。
- Succeeding Juergen Dormann, a man with a huge reputation, meant there were formidable expectations on me. 而接替德高望重的杜曼先生出任首席执行官,我深感责任重大。
- Juergen Pipper says the device can process complex tests tasks in a way similar to a traditional biological laboratory. 此项技术检测来自快速擦拭人体咽喉后所获得的拭样。
- Juergen Pipper says the device can process complex tasks in a way similar to a traditional biological laboratory. 皮珀说这种装置可以进行类似传统生物实验室的复杂工作。
- Project leader Juergen Pipper says medical or aid workers would know in less than half an hour if a person is infected. 计划领导者说如果有人感染的话,医疗工作者或其协助者会在半个小时以内知道。
- Wolfgang J.Mommsen &Juergen Osterhammel ed., Max Weber and His Contemporaries. (London: Allen &Unwin, 1987). 对韦伯及同时代思想家关系的研究,包括多篇极重要论文。
- The first thing German coach Juergen Klinsmann did when his team qualified for the second round of the World Cup was give his players a day off. 德国教练果然是体恤球员。一听到晋级十六强的消息,立刻就给队员放了一天假。
- Juergen Lipp, who has a bookstore specializing in esoteric articles in Hamburg, Germany, likes to surround himself with angels in numerous forms. 尤尔根利普在德国汉堡拥有一个专营各类深奥书籍的书店。他喜欢各种类型的天使围绕在他身边。
- E* Paper (Juergen Pipper) says the devices can process complex tests (tasks) in the (a) way similar to a traditional biological laboratory. 该仪器以病人的咽拭子为检测标本。
- After all the discussions were concluded, Juergen Ruettgers, governor of North Rhine-Westphalia, said, "The time of uncerntainty is over. 最后一步需要完成交易是确保桥梁贷款达21亿美元,以支付短期的经营成本。
- Despite rising prices, Noyer and fellow ECB policymaker Juergen Stark shot down market expectations for a series of ECB interest rate rises. 尽管提高价格,诺亚和欧洲央行政策制定者斯塔克却摆脱市场的预测,不让欧洲中央银行的利率再提升。
- Vandals in West Berlin smashed shop windows, burned cars, erected street barricades and set them afire in several districts of the city after the death of 18-year-old Klaus Juergen Rattarry, according to a police spokesman. 警方发言人说,18岁的克劳斯 - 尤金 - 拉特依死后,西柏林的破坏者们砸碎商店的橱窗,烧毁汽车,在市内的几个地区筑起了路障,然后放火焚烧了这些路障。
- As Juergen Strube, BASF' s CEO, frankly admits, the company participated in the process of illegally fixing the prices of vitamins: 巴斯夫涉嫌非法维持维生素的高价,正如巴斯夫(中国)的ceo于尔根·施特鲁贝所坦白承认的那样:
- As Juergen Strube, BASF' s CEO, frankly admits, the company participated in the process of illegally fixing the prices of vitamins 巴斯夫涉嫌非法维持维生素的高价,正如巴斯夫(中国)的CEO于尔根·施特鲁贝所坦白承认的那样
- 5.Project leader juergen pipper says medical or aid workers would know in less than half an hour if a person is infected . 项目主持人由尔根`皮皮尔说医生或者援助者能在不到半小时内确定某人是否被感染。