- Judicial Review and Arab World 司法审查和阿拉伯世界
- Judicial review---a right performed by the Supreme Court to review and check the legality or the constitutionality of the laws and regulations passed by the legislative or the governments, had been established in the earlier American history. 美国的司法审查权建立于美国早期,指的是美国最高法院对美国的立法和行政部门所通过的法律制度,能够就其合宪性进行审查。
- While Waldron has made a powerful case as to why judicial review and democracy do not fit well together, I have suggested that the case against judicial review can be made even stronger. 沃尔德伦提出了一个关于为什么司法审查与民主并不适合在一起的有力诉讼,同时,我也认为,诉讼替代司法审查可以变得更坚实。
- And so, in the Arab world, it is. 在阿拉伯世界,情况正是如此。
- The applicant seek judicial review to quash the bind-over order. 申请人请求司法检查以便废除责令某人守法的命令。
- Even though an agency's decision is reviewable and the plaintiff has standing to litigate , he may still be unable to get judicial review if he has brought the action at the wrong time. 即使行政机关的决定可以复审且原告也有提起诉讼的法律地位。如果当事人在错误的时间提起诉讼。他可能仍得不到司法复审。
- A Hard Look at Political Reform in the Arab World? 阿拉伯世界的政治改革:新的骚动?
- Islam is resurgent across the Arab world. 而伊斯兰教在整个阿拉伯世界得以复苏。
- The case is subject to judicial review. 这个案子必须接受司法审查。
- Judicial Review of Agency Action. 机构行为的司法审查。
- Democratization in the Arab World? 阿拉伯世界的民主化?
- Judicial review of abstract administration act II. 抽象行政行为的司法审查研究2。
- The Alhambra, amazing arab world in spain! / 阿兰布拉,阿拉伯国王的宫在西班牙!
- He applied for judicial review to quashthe order. 他申请司法检查废止该命令。
- Power of Judicial Review of Supreme Court of U.S.A. 论美国联邦最高法院司法审查权的平衡作用。
- The applicant seek judicial review to quash the order. 申请人请示获得司法复审撤消命令。
- The latter is theone amorg east Asia, east and Sonth Asia and Arab. 海上丝绸之路是指东亚、东南亚以及阿拉伯地区的各国之间的交往之路。
- He applied for judicial review to quash the order. 他申请司法检查废止该命令。
- He could unleash the mobs in the Arab world against us. 他本来可以发动阿拉伯世界的下层群众反对我们。
- A Comparative Study of the Judicial Review and Control of Criminal Detention 刑事羁押司法审查与控制的比较研究