- When Zhou Xinfang was in Shanghai, he had performed many dramas in chapter such as Journey to the West. 周信芳先生在上海时排了许多连台本戏,比如《西游记》。
- Such kind of fusion is reflected profoundly in Journey to the West. 在明代小说《西游记》中,这种融合有着典型而又深刻的反映。
- His movie comments amusingly on characters in Journey to the West. 他的电影作品趣话了《西游记》人物。
- It is one day's journey to get to the seaside. 到海滨是一天的行程。
- I haven't read that one yet, but I just finished his Journey to the West, which was incredible. 我没读过这本,不过我刚看完西游记这本,真是好看。
- In one word,Journey to the West takes cultivating hearts as its essential point,and is a book of turning Buddha. 总之,《西游记》以“修心”为要,乃“一成佛之书”。
- One cartoonist symbolized the ROC with the loveable monkey king from Journey to the West. 漫画家突发奇想,要以七十二变的孙悟空来象徵中华民国。
- The Journey to the West tells how the Tang monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures. 《西游记》讲唐僧往西天取经的故事。
- There is a performance named "The Journey to the West pinghua" this afternoon in Haidian theater. 今儿下午在海淀剧院有个《西游记评话》的演出。
- Pisa is to the west (of Florence). 比萨在(佛罗伦萨的)西边。
- The cartoon alludes to the well-known Chinese classic novel The Journey to the West. 漫画采用了著名的中国经典小说西游记里的人物。
- We made a journey to the Northeast of China. 我们在中国的东北做了一次旅行。
- In Journey to the West, Bodhisattva Kwan-yin threw the lotus flower shaped seat to Hong Haier to catch him. 《西游记》中,观音菩萨把莲座丢给红孩儿为的是将他擒拿住。
- A journey to the Northwest of China. 我们将要去中国西北地区旅行。
- In Journey to the west, Zhubajie always eats the fruit that he steals from offerings. 《西游记》中,猪八戒总是爱偷吃供果。
- We did the journey to the beach in eight hours. 我们花了8个小时才到达海边。
- There's a scene in Journey to the West where Cai changes an original scene so that the characters are supposedly actors. 西游记里原来有一幕,蔡志忠把它做了修正,让那些角色俨然是演员正在做演出。
- Hope to take a journey to the oriental Alpen. 希望借此游览“东方阿尔卑斯山”。
- Wu Cheng'en, using popular versions of the story along with his own fictional details, created the intriguing classical novel journey to the West. 小说家吴承恩在民间口传的基础上,又加进了不少神话色彩,写了《西游记》,故事具有很强的可读性和趣味性。
- With the plantain fan, Monkey put out the fire. The master and his three disciples continued their journey to the West to fetch scriptures. 悟空用芭蕉扇扇灭山火,师徒四人继续西行取经。