- Frey, B., and A. Stutzer. "What Can Economists Learn from Happiness Research?" Journal of Economic Literature 40, no. 2 (2002): 402-35. 经济学家从快乐研究中能够学到什么?〉《经济文献期刊》,40卷,第2期(2002年):402-35页。
- Pranab Bardhan. Corruption and Development: A Review of Issues [J]. Journal of Economic Literature,Vol. XXXV, September 1997. 1320. 南非)罗伯特克利特加德.控制腐败[C].北京:中央编译出版社;1998.87.
- Pauly, Mark V. (1986), Taxation, Health Insurance and Market Failure in the Medical Economy, Journal of Economic Literature, 24, June,pp.629-75. 事实上在美国由于“所得税法”等原因的激励作用大约90%25以上的雇主以福利的形式为其雇员集体购买私人医疗保险。
- Pindyck, Robert S.,"Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Investment", Journal of Economic Literature Vol.XXIX(Sept 1991),pp1110-1148. 青木昌彦:;中译本;上海远东出版社;2001年版.
- Gately.D."A Ten-Year Retrospective on OPEC and the World Oil Market." Journal of Economic Literature,1984,22(3),pp.1100-1114. 已探明石油储量被定义为在现在的市场价格和技术条件下;可以开采出来并且有利可图的那部分石油储备.
- Clarida,Richard,Jordi Gali,and Mark Gertler,1999,"The Science of Monetary Policy:A New Keynesian Perspective," Journal of Economic Literature,Vol.37,No.4,pp.1661-1707. 夏斌廖强.;货币供应量已不宜作为当前我国货币政策的中介目标[J]
- Journal of Economic Literature. 经济文献杂志》刊载经济学论文、书评和近期经济期刊的书目和目次。
- Rozelle's papers have been published in top academic journals, including Science, Nature, American Economic Review, and the Journal of Economic Literature. 在中国,熟悉他的人都喊他老罗,知道他除了工作以外,生活中最不可缺少的就是咖啡。
- Langlois,R.N.,2000:Modularity in Technology and Organization,Journal of Economic Behavior &Organization VOL.49. 施振荣.;联网组织--知识经济的经营之道[M]
- He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。
- Robert Gibbons,"What is Economic Sociology and Should any Economists Care?", Journal of Economic Perspective. 北望经济学园“经济社会学”版文献。
- Romer, Christina. "New Estimates of Prewar Gross National Product and Unemployment." Journal of Economic History 46, no. 2 (1986): 341-352. 战前国民生产毛额与失业率之最新预估〉,《经济史学刊》46期,第二辑(1986年):第341-352页。
- Jon Elster. Social Norms and Economic Theory. Journal of Economic Perspective. Volume3. Number4 Fall 1989. 上一篇文章:自我利益与社会规范:社会科学中的三次革命(一)
- He writes for a journal of popular science. 他为一家大众科学杂志撰稿。
- Zeff.The rise of economic consequences[J].The Journal of Accountancy.1978(12):56-63. 黄文锋.;论会计准则的经济后果[J]
- Father keeps a journal of his activities. 我父亲有记录每天活动的习惯。
- Jefferson. G, and Rawski, 1994, Enterprise Reform in Chinese Industry, Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol 8. 林旭东李一智等.;企业集团内部团队生产的最优激励机制研究[J]
- Douglass C.North, "Institutions" ,Journal of Economic Perspectives, 1991 ,No. 1. 奥尔森:;1993年第6期.
- This book treats of economic problems. 这本书探讨经济问题。
- Jefferson.G,and Rawski,1994,Enterprise Reform in Chinese Industry,Journal of Economic Perspectives,Vol 8. 林旭东;李一智;沈福喜.;企业集团内部团队生产的最优激励机制研究[J]