- Journal of Business Finance &Accounting. 企业财务与会计杂志》刊载企业会计与财务管理,包括资本投资、合作财务政策、财务与会计理论、金融市场等方面的论文。
- Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. 商业与经济统计学杂志》刊载统计学在就业、失业、收支、经济预测、分析、调节、供需等经济和商业领域的应用文章、短讯和书评。
- Journal of Business Psychology 商业与心理学杂志
- Stigler, Matthew and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam,1964."Public Regulation of Securities Markets",The Journal of Business. 李茂生.;关于发展中国证券市场的战略思考
- Chang,E.C.,and W.G.Lewellen,1984,Market Timing and Mutual Fund Investment Performance,Journal of Business,57,57-72. 他认为企业年金最终收益率=企业年金投资收益率-受托机构管理费率-账户管理费率-投资管理费率-托管费率.
- Berger AX,and Udell C.F.,1995,Relationship lending and lines of Credit in small firm finance,Journal of Business,68. 林毅夫、李永军.;中小金融机构发展与中小企业融资[J]
- Aaker, D.A. ,”Management Brand Equity” , Journal of Business Strategy, 1992, pp.131-145. 品牌经营:如何创造品牌资产,朝阳堂文化,1995。
- Stine Rabdmal, Benchmarking supply chain management : finding the best practices, Journal of Business &b...... 一些关于供应链管理的参考资料来源,有兴趣的可以参阅[2003-11-0307:10:53
- He kept a journal of his wanderings across Asia. 他记自己漫游亚洲的日记。
- Gramer,J.S.,1986,The Volume of Transactions and the Circulation of Money in the United States,1950 -1979,Journal of Business and Economic Statistics,4. 李京文;龚飞鸿.;国家经济实力与国际竞争力的测评系统和模型[J]
- Berger,A.N.and Udell,G.F."Relationship Lending and Lines of Credit in Small Firm Finance." Journal of Business,1995,68,pp.351 -381. 考虑到我们样本中有67家从事纺织业及与之相关纺织原料、服装业的小企业;故设置该虚拟变量.
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。
- Allan L.Riding &George Haines JR.[J].Loan guarantees:Costs of default and benefits of small firms,Journal of Business Venturing 16,595612. 他们有关违约率与担保率关系的公式推导显然存在一定的问题;有凑结论的嫌疑.
- He writes for a journal of popular science. 他为一家大众科学杂志撰稿。
- Kale,J.R.,Noe,T.H.and Ramirez,G.G.(1991),The Effect of Business Risk on Corporate Capital Structure:Theory and Evidence,Journal of Finance 46,1693-68. 郭鹏飞和孙培源(2003)的检验结果认为同一行业门类内不同行业大类的公司间资本结构无显著差异.
- Father keeps a journal of his activities. 我父亲有记录每天活动的习惯。
- May I know what line of business you handle? 可以告诉我你们从事何种业务吗?
- Silver, M. &Auster, R. 1969.Entrepreneurship,profit,and limits on firm size., Journal of Business, Vol. 42: 277-281: University of Chicago Press. 林娟娟,国立中兴大学/企业管理研究所,影响连锁经营型态之因素-我国零售业之实证研究,民国七十八年。
- Ritter T, Gemunden H G. "Network competence: its impacton in novation success and its antecedents"5496[J]. Journal of Business Research,2003(56). 邬爱其.;企业创新网络构建与演进的影响因素实证分析[J]
- John F.Dolan:Letters of Credit:A Comparison of UCP500 and the New U.S.Article 5,the Journal of Business Law,No.6 1999.521. 王江雨.;信用证交易原理及其法律性质研究[A]