- Strategic thinking and decision making. 具备策略性思考及做决定的能力。
- His words had a small part in her decision making. 他的话在她作决定时只起了很少的作用。
- How Can You Improve Group Decision Making? 如何改进群体决策的制定?
- Environmental planning and decision making II. 环境规划与决策2。
- Initiatives are impacted by decision making. 决策制定影响计划。
- A good executive must be good at decision making. 优秀的领导者必须善于决策。
- Decision making is treated in the planning section of this book. 决策放在本书有关规则的章节中加以论述。
- He never involves his senior staff in decision making; they feel relegated to the status of office boys. 他从不让那些年长职员参与决策; 他们感觉像是被当作办公室跑腿的了。
- A decision made by an umpire or a referee. 判决由公断人或裁判员作出的决定
- It is also important to make sure its clear to the joint team what the appropriate escalation paths are and how the decision making process is structured. 同样,必须确信联合团队清楚什么是合适的扩大途径以及决策制定过程是如何构成的,这也是十分重要的。
- Divination in book of change and decision making in life II. 周易爻卦与人生决策2。
- Multiple Objective Decision Making Theory and Methods II. 多目标决策的理论与方法2。
- Use the Debate tool as a classroom decision making aide. 可以将“辩论”工具用作制定班级决策的辅助手段。
- The joint decision to build the Tunnel was announced by President Francois Mitterrand and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in a ceremony at Lille on 21 January. 一月二十一日;弗朗索瓦.;密特朗总统和玛格丽特
- Decision making, risk taking and strategy formulation. 决策判定,风险承担和战略公式。
- Epochal decisions made by Roosevelt and Churchill. 罗斯福和邱吉尔做出的有重大意义的决定
- "I think it should be a joint decision, kind of all-for-one decision, whether every Olympic team boycotts or we all go and we represent our country with pride. “说实话,我对整个事件不是很了解。我不清楚我们的运动员参与事件的程度有多少,”这位来自瑞士的网球明星继续说,“奥运会是体育盛事,而不应该用于政治目的。”
- Hence leadership style does not reduce to decision making style. 因此,也不能将领导方式狭隘地理解为决策方式。
- Company visits are an important part of NCO's decision making. 对这些公司进行参观是NCO决策的一个重要部分。
- The need to see that justice is done impinges on every decision made in file courts. 处理必须公平,这点对法院所作的每一判决都有影响。