- The students appear to be completely out of hand. 学生们似乎已完全无法控制了。
- The fire spread and went out of hand. 火势蔓延,无法控制。
- dislocation of phalangeal joint of hand 指关节脱位
- Open dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand 手的指骨间关节开放性脱位
- Please wait a minute, I'll go with you out of hand. 请等一下,我立即跟你走。
- His application was rejected out of hand. 他的申请当即遭到了拒绝。
- Ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand 手指间关节韧带
- Local destruction of lesion of joint of hand 手关节病损局部毁坏术
- Local excision of lesion of joint of hand 手关节病损局部切除术
- arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of hand 指间关节固定术
- sprain of interphalangeal joint of hand 指间关节扭伤
- sprain of phalangeal joint of hand 指关节扭伤
- He makes a coin disappear by sleight of hand. 他一转手便把硬币变得没了。
- dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand 指间关节脱位
- The pollution is out of hand and becomes very dangerous. 污染失去控制,十分危险。
- artificial joint of digits of hand 人造指关节
- The issue was decided by a show of hands. 这件事是通过举手表决决定的。
- Will you bone this joint of meat for me? 你能帮我把这块肉的骨头剔掉吗?
- We elected our monitor by a show of hands. 我们举手选举了班长。
- Closed dislocation of interphalangeal joint of hand 手的指间关节闭合性脱位