- Joint War Plan 联合作战计划
- Joint War Plans Committee 联合作战计划委员会
- They got ready to smash their enemy's war plans. 他们做好准备来粉碎敌人的战争计划。
- Rumsfeld said that even he could not confirm that the war plan existed or not because whether he, his assistant Wolfowitz or Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Myers, have never seen the plan. 伦斯斐说,连他都无法证实是否有这个战争计画存在,因为不论是他或他的助理沃佛维茨,或是参谋首长联席会议主席迈尔斯将军,都不曾见过这个计画。
- Pug Henry was content in the War Plans Division. 帕格?享利安于呆在作战计划处。
- Joint War Fighting Science and Technology Plan 联合作战科学与技术计划
- Then could you predict what kind of gloabal military action will the US adopt after its Star War plan? 那你能预测美国继星球大战计划后会再采取什么全球军事战略行动呢?
- A man believed to be al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri mocks the war plan and vows insurgents will defeat US forces. 美联社与美国在线新闻部的最新民意调查显示,多数美国人认为这位共和党籍的总统和民主党掌控的国会不能协力解决问题。
- Military space mission plays an important role in integrative joint war,and the command decision-making is the core of command in military space mission. 军事航天任务在一体化联合作战中占有十分重要的地位,指挥决策是军事航天任务战指挥活动的核心。
- In the first version we tried a lot of metaphors: “plane” theme, “site layout plan” and “war plan”. 在第一个版本在我们尝试了很多的隐喻:“飞机”的主题,“站点布局规划”和“战争计划”。
- We made our War Plan icon plain; reduce the details and removed the tin soldier. 我们使我们的战争计划图标平原;减少细节和移除的锡兵。
- In the Valley of Elah features real live fetterine of the Irap war plan factional characters who give voice to reasons for supporting the effort. 在影片进退维谷中,讲述的是伊拉克退伍军人的真实故事,给了那些支持平衡的人们一个平台。
- JOPES is what makes many of the GCCS-J’s functional capabilities available to Joint Staff and Unified commands as their primary conventional war planning tools and capabilities. JOPES使联合参谋部和统一司令部可获得很多GCCS-J的功能能力,作为其传统作战规划工具和能力。
- War Plan Orange Dreadnoughts i. 战争游戏。
- CTEE Joint War Production Committee 联合军工生产委员会
- Those war plans rested on a belief in the ineluctable superiority of the offense over the defense. 那些战争计划有一个信念为基础,即进攻必然比防守有利。
- Joint War Fighter Information Network 联合战斗部队信息网
- Joint War Fighting Capability Assessment 联合作战能力评估
- Early in January, with a few other officers in War Plans, he had begun "conversation" with British military men. 一月初,他和军事计划处的其他几个军官一道开始跟英国军事人员“对话”。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。