- JTDS Joint Track Data Storage 联合跟踪数据存储体
- Joint Track Data Storage 联合跟踪数据存储
- A storage cell; an element of data storage that can hold one bit. 一个存储单元; 保存一位二进制数的数据存储单元。
- Track Data Storage 轨迹数据储存
- A storage cell ; an element of data storage that can hold one bit. 一个存储单元;保存一位二进制数的数据存储单元。
- How much memory is needed for temporary data storage? 临时数据存储需要占用多少存储空间?
- Koi uses a JDBC-accessed relational database as data storage. Koi使用以JDBC访问的关系数据库作为数据存储。
- You use volume mount points for Exchange Server 2003 data storage. 您将卷装入点用于Exchange Server 2003数据存储。
- Receiver data storage depends on the system specifications. 答:收件人数据的储存取决于系统配置。
- A part of a data storage medium in which there are no characters. 数据存储媒体中无字符的部分。
- System counters within this category track data such as bytes available and bytes cached. 该类别中的系统计数器跟踪如可用字节和缓存字节等数据。
- The ultimate data storage and file manipulation toolkit! 终极的数据存储、文件处理工具箱!
- Instances track data about multiple occurrences of the object that a category relates to. 实例跟踪关于类别相关对象的多个匹配项的数据。
- Use Office Visio Professional 2007 to track data in diagrams by linking them to a database. 使用Office Visio Professional 2007将图表链接到数据库,可以跟踪图表中的数据。
- In some situations, categories are subdivided into instances, which track data about multiple occurrences of the object that a category relates to. 在某些情况下,类别被再分为实例,这些实例跟踪一组数据,这些数据记录了与类别相关的对象的多次出现。
- Shows how to partition tracking data for ease in data archiving. 演示如何将跟踪数据分区以便于数据存档。
- This data storage device was recovered from that downed Wraith dart. 这个数据保存器是从击落的 幽灵近程导弹上恢复过来的
- Create a new view, and then add a template part that contains common fields that your organization can use to track data. 创建新视图,然后添加包含公共域的模板部件,贵组织可以使用这些公共域跟踪数据。
- Messrs.McMahon and Inkster are also using oil-tanker tracking data. 迈克马洪和英科斯特也在使用油轮跟踪数据。
- Rail insulated joint track circuit 有绝缘轨道电路