- Joint Processing Action Team 联合处置行动小组
- Technology Application Process Action Team 技术应用程序行动小组
- Business Planning Process Action Team 商业计划程序行动组
- Process Action Team 过程行动小组
- Acquisition Process Action Team 采购程序行动分队
- Flotation,the election of joint processing cassiterite poly-sulfur mixed ore. 浮选、重选联合处理锡石多金属氧硫混合矿。
- In cost reduction, the consensus of team members and the assistance of extension agencies were needed to promote balk purchasing, joint utilization and joint processing and operation of a team. 在降低成本上,共同采购、共同利用及共同作业,有赖班员的共识与需求及辅导单位的推动。
- Once the message is formed, we transfer to a Process Action activity. 形成消息后,传输到“处理操作”活动。
- The Dobson-inspired House Values Action Team includes some 70 Republican congressmen. 有大约70个共和党国会议员都是“杜布森启发议院价值行动小组”的一份子。
- In the preceding graph, we see warning traces both for the client and service in the same Process Action activity. 在前面的图形中,我们看到客户端和服务的警告跟踪都在同一处理操作活动中。
- A design approach to the 3D CAD of welded machine is presented in this thesis, in which the rules of bar orientation, joint processing and welding sequence are stressed. 本文提出了一个面向焊接机架的三维CAD方法,着重研究混合型钢结构的杆件布置、节点处理和焊接顺序自动生成方法。
- Ultrasonic riveted joint process possess the characteristics of operating simple, low costing, high efficiency,suitable for great batch industrial producing. 与传统的粘接、机械连接等塑料件装配连接工艺相比,超声波铆接工艺操作简单、生产成本低、效率高,适于大批量工业化生产。
- Joint Logistics Commanders Action Team 联合后勤指挥官行动小组
- If we double click the Process action Add activity in the left panel, we can see a graphical representation of the client WCF activities related to Add. 如果双击左面板中的处理操作“加”活动,则可以看到与“加”相关的客户端WCF活动的图形表示。
- Customer has 30 days from Date of Submittal to approve/reject Long Term Corrective Action and notify Corrective Action Team Leader or it will be closed internally. 自递交日起客户有30天时间来通过/否决"长期整改行动";并通知整改行动组负责人;过期的话,投诉信会被内部关闭.
- In this paper,SPPS (Software Process Planning System) which based on planning graph is presented.The system can make a planning of process action arrangement automatically. 有序化地规划和安排过程活动将会减少执行过程活动的盲目性,提高管理者在执行每个软件活动时的全局意识。
- A high performance digital IF radar receiver which uses IF echo and COHO joint process algorithm, field sampling, field processing and remote transmission is introduced. Its performance can meet the requirements of modern high performance radar system. 采用中频回波和中频相参信号联合相干处理 ,现场采样 ,现场处理 ,远程传输的体系结构实现了高性能数字中频雷达接收机 ,其性能可以满足现代高性能雷达系统的需要
- In this paper, some key notes were introduced, such as 3-component receiver, the designation of measuring system, processing modules based on seismic anisotropy, and joint process and interpretation of the seismic data. 为此,本文针对多分量数据采集、处理、解释过程中的三分量检波器、观测系统设计、各向异性处理方法和处理解释一体化进行了探讨。
- The traces of Process Action are separated across processes in the graph, but shown as part of the same activity in the upper-right panel. 跨进程处理操作的跟踪在图形中单独显示,但在右上面板中作为同一活动的一部分显示。
- The following screenshot shows the activities for both the client and service, and highlights the Process Action Add activity across processes (orange). 下面的屏幕快照显示客户端和服务的活动,并突出显示跨进程的“处理操作添加”活动(橙色)。