- Joint Operations Graphics 联合作战地图
- Joint Operations Graphic 联合作战图表
- Joint Operation Graphics System 联合作战图系统
- The joint operations simulation is a hotspot in military simulation area. 联合作战模拟是当前军用仿真领域的热点。
- The way to overcome them is to move toward joint operations, joint command control structures. 克服这些障碍的途径是向联合做战、联合指挥控制结构发展。
- Regional joint operation of schools was pushed forward actively. 区域性联合办学积极推进。
- The way to overcome them is to move toward joint operations,joint command control structures. 克服这些障碍的途径是向联合做战、联合指挥控制结构发展。
- The annual regular exercises organized by the military area commands and services and arms all concentrate on joint operations. 各军区、军兵种组织的年度例行性演习均把联合作战作为重要课题。
- The Pentagon announced that it had stopped all joint operations with its counterparts in Honduras. 美国五角大楼宣布,它已停止了其所有在洪都拉斯的联合行动。
- The commanders agreed that a new CONOPS would improve joint, collaborative efforts for UAS applications in joint operations. 司令官们一直赞同该新型作战概念将提高无人机系统在联合作战中的联合、协作效果。
- It aids in the planning and executing of mobilization, deployment and sustainment activities for joint operations, according to an Army document. 按照陆军文件,它在移动、配置和维持活动的规划和执行上帮助进行联合作战。
- The sale of assets by the railway company could well kill a proposed deal for joint operations with a road haulage firm. 这家铁路公司出售资产,完全有可能使其与一家公路运输公司拟议的联合经营被取消。
- The integrative joint operations equipment support force is materialization for the integrative joint operations equipment support. 一体化联合作战装备保障力量是实施一体化联合作战装备保障的物质基础。
- What is the defining concept or the exact meaning of Joint Operation? 什么是联合作战的定义或确切含义?
- And third, the partnership approach - close cooperation between the Police and the ICAC through exchange of information and joint operations has benefited mutual goals. 夥伴关系-警方与廉署一直保持紧密的合作关系,透过交流资讯及联合行动以达致共同目标。
- Guangxi joint operations exercises, all reported cases of low-grade steel production or undocumented cases have been over 30, with a total value of several hundred million cases. 广西开展联合打假半个多月以来,各地上报称查获劣质或无证生产钢材的案件已有30余起,总案值达数百万元。
- Or by key members of the chief responsible for planning attacks and defense, so strong combination, so perfect network of joint operations, it could not lord hegemony! 由盟主或主要成员负责策划进攻和防守,如此强强联手,如此完美的网络联合作战,怎能不争霸领主呢!
- You can lord with like-minded people in the formation of the alliance, Collaboration distribution, traditional network can not be achieved in joint operations closely. 你可以在领主中与志同道合之士组成联盟,分配协作,实现传统中无法实现的网络联合密切作战。
- Based on the knowledge of CAD, CAI,VM, ES, we implemented a system that can check NC code at syntax and semanteme levels, simulate the machining process and panel operations graphically. 利用计算机输助设计(CAD)、计算机输助教学(CAI)、拟实制造(VM)、专家系统(ES)等各方面知识,设计出一个能够对NC代码进行语法、词法检查,对加工过程、面板操作进行图形仿真的系统。
- Talisman Sabre is an exercise jointly sponsored by the U.S.Pacific Command and Australian Defense Force Joint Operations Command, and designed to train the U. 护身符马刀是由美国太平洋指令部和澳达利亚国防军联合行动指挥部发起的。