- Joint Forces Korea 驻韩联合部队
- Shanghai Joint Force Int'l Trading Co. , Ltd提供玩具熊和其他产品。
- Strategically deployable joint forces must be able to conduct operational and tactical maneuver. 从战略上部署的联合部队必须能够实施战役战术机动。
- Khaleda Zia and Arafat were arrested in Dhaka Monday morning by joint forces on corruption charge. 卡莉达?齐亚和阿拉法特是星期一上午在达卡被反腐联合部队逮捕的。
- His movie has become the contemporaneity and a human nature result with joint forces. 他的电影成为了时代性与人性合力的一个结果。
- Containing an urban area describes those actions taken by joint forces to prevent an adversary's forces inside an urban area from breaking out. 压制一个城市地区是一种防止敌人从城市中突破出来的行动。
- These joint forces do not fight along a line of operations, but rather move to and fight throughout the theater in distributed operations. 这些联合行动部队并不是沿着战线进行战斗,而是在遍及整个战场的作战行动中出击并作战。
- The Twin Cranes Study survived the 1860 fire set by the Anglo-French Joint Forces, but only to face destruction in 1900. 1860年圆明园罹劫时,双鹤斋一景是园内幸存的少量建筑之一,1900年彻底毁于战乱中。
- Both the joint forces of the eight imperialist powers and the Japanese invaders brought catastrophe to our country, including the citizens of Beijing. Nobody could forget that. 八国联军和日本侵略者,给我们的祖国,给北京市民造成的灾难,都是令人难以忘记的啊!
- Saar Mongolia Si and Martin obtains 4 points later with joint forces, Luo Yi hits 3 point success, the earlier worker team by 104-94 is in the lead 10 points. 萨尔蒙斯和马丁合力得到4分后,罗伊打3分成功,开拓者队以104-94领先10分。
- Saar Mongolia Si breaks through the basket to go well, Luo Yi and Orden obtains 4 points with joint forces, the earlier worker team by 101-90 is in the lead. 萨尔蒙斯突破上篮得手,罗伊和奥登合力得到4分,开拓者队以101-90领先。
- The feudal land system resulted from the joint forces of two aspects: the existence and development ofthe despotic landlords and manor economy; the taxation system of "taking the people as the dominant factor". 封建国家的田制是在豪强士族地主、庄园经济的存在发展与“以人为本”的赋税制度的合力作用下形成的。
- Commander Naval Logistics Force Korea 美驻韩海军后勤司令(部)
- Where once commanders had to bark out orders across small battlefields and men advanced shoulder-to-shoulder, modern commanders collaborate over a network, and joint forces synchronize lethal effects from distributed locations. 以前的指挥官通过吼叫在一个小型战场上传递命令战士肩并肩前进,现在的指挥官通过网络协同联合作战部队从分散的位置形成致命的打击效果。
- How the LAMV will be used in conjunction with forces under the joint force air component commander will have to be determined. 升降机,弹簧LAMV如何在联合部队的空军部队指挥官指挥下与各部队协同,是必须解决的问题。
- The bicycle, the motorcycle, the van, the Audi vehicle, the new military farm settlement town and the nearby village's populace throng, succeeds with joint forces another man captures. 自行车、摩托车、面包车、奥迪车,新军屯镇及附近村庄的群众蜂拥而至,合力将另一男子成功擒获。
- The interagency task force, rather than the joint force, must become the basis for future operations. 联合事务特遣队而不是联合部队必须成为未来行动的基础。
- Isolating an urban area requires employing joint forces in a manner that isolates or cuts off an enemy force inside an urban area from other enemy forces or allies. 包围一个城市地区要求人员部署中确保了包围或切断了城市中敌人与其盟友或其他敌人的联系。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- Given the right circumstances, it is almost inconceivable that a modern armored formation could attack and maintain momentum against a robust U.S. joint force. 假定在正常的情况下,一支现代化的装甲编队向一支战斗力完备的美军联合作战部队发起进攻并保持冲击势头几乎是不可想像的。