- Joint Advanced Fighter Engine 联合高级战斗机发动机
- Can a rat learn how to fly an advanced fighter jet? 脑有如机器一样可以关掉之后,它会感觉到痛楚吗?
- Some countries claim to have the most advanced fighter plane in the world. 某国号称拥有世界上最先进的战斗机。
- As a parting gift to the Empire, Anduvil sabotaged a TIE fighter engine which resulted in a tremendous explosion that blew the base to shreds. 临别前,安杜薇尔还赠给帝国一件“礼物”,她破坏了一架钛战机的引擎,导致其发生剧烈爆炸,将要塞夷为平地。
- Arthur was sent to Germany where he was trained in advanced fighter tactics by the German Luftwaffe at its Fighter School at Bie Munich. 亚瑟被送往德国,他在慕尼黑的飞行学校接受着德国空军的先进的飞行战术的训练。
- For the Raptor's backers, the advanced fighter is key to continuing American military dominance over potential competitors like Russia and China. 用“猛禽”战机的支持者的话说,先进战斗机是延续美军对诸如俄罗斯、中国这些潜在竞争者绝对优势地位的关键。
- The Thais are also in the market for advanced fighter jets, either the new F-5G. designed by Northrop Corp. solely for export, or the more powerful F-16. 泰国还要采购先进的喷气式战斗机:诺斯罗普公司专为出口设计的新型F一5G式飞机或者是效力更强的F一16式飞机。
- And to carry out our enterprise's spirit of common understanding, consonance, joint advancement and benefit share is our principle and guidance to do business. 发挥企业精神:共识、共鸣、共行、共享,是我们从业的原则与方针。
- Advanced Fighter Control Flight Simulator 高级战斗机控制飞行模拟器
- Advanced Fighter Crew Protection System 高级战斗机机组人员防护系统
- Joint Advanced Distributed Simulation 联合高级分布模拟
- Advanced Fighter Diagnostic System 高级战斗机故障诊断系统
- Joint Advanced Rotorcraft Technology 联合高级旋翼飞机技术
- Advanced Fighter Technology Integration 高级战斗机技术集成化
- Joint Advanced Special Operations Radio System 联合高级特殊行动无线电系统
- Joint Advanced Tactical Command and Control Service 前沿战术联合指挥与控制勤务
- As thrust vectoring nozzle is the feature of advanced fighters,the difficulties in implementing thrust vectoring are summarized. 矢量喷管是先进战斗机的特征,本文讨论了实现推力矢量存在的技术难点。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- Enhanced Tactical Fighter Engineering 强化战术战斗机工程