- Through the experiment of Leucaena leucocephal forest litter water-holding characteristics in Jinsha river hot and dry valley,the litter water retaining capacity was studied. 通过对金沙江干热河谷新银合欢人工林内枯落物层持水特性的试验研究,总结出林内枯落物层的持水特性。
- Study on Litter Water Retaining Capacity of Leucaena Leucocephal Plantation in Jinsha River Hot and Dry Valley 金沙江干热河谷新银合欢人工林枯落物层持水特性研究
- The Study on Species Diversity of Leucaena leucocephala Plantation in Jinsha River Hot and Dry Valley 金沙江干热河谷新银合欢人工林物种多样性研究
- Study on Dynamics of Soil Moisture Under Contour Hedgerow System in Dry Valley Area of Jinsha River 干旱河谷区坡耕地等高植物篱种植系统土壤水分动态研究
- Jinsha River dry valley 金沙江干热河谷
- dry and hot valley of Jinsha River 金沙江干热河谷
- It introduces the unique natural environment of dry &warm valley in Deqin section of Lancang River and Jinsha River and analyzes its characteristics and causes of formation. 澜沧江、金沙江云南德钦段形成了独特的干暖河谷区自然环境,分析了其特点、成因。
- Qamdo this paragraph in the valley is the most narrow section of the Jinsha River valley. 在其它河谷段,河床仍为单一河道为主,江心滩十分少见。
- Abstract: Several Taiwanese Fruits, such as papaya、guava、carambola、wax apple、pitaya were introduced in hot-dry valley area of Jinsha river in Yuanmou, Yunnan Province. 摘 要:在云南元谋干热河谷区引种数种台湾水果(番木瓜、番石榴、阳桃、莲雾、火龙果)进行适应性栽培试验。
- After the hot dry summer, the soil is cracking up. 燥热的夏天过后, 土地在龟裂。
- This plant grows best in a hot dry climate. 这种植物在炎热干燥的气候下生长得最好。
- The paper analyzes the favorable and unfavorable conditions of tangerine production in Leibo County, Jinsha River Valley and brings forth some developing measures in a bid to speed up high-quality tangerine production in Jinsha River Valley. 分析金沙江流域雷波柑桔生产的有利和不利条件,提出发展对策,加快金沙江流域优质柑桔生产。
- So the bricks should be made in hot dry weather. 所以应选择炎热、干燥的天气来制土坯砖。
- How do plants survive in the hot dry desert? 植物如何在又热又干的沙漠中生存下来?
- Lisu of the first to live in Sichuan and Yunnan at the junction of the Jinsha River Valley area, after the Nu River in western Yunnan and gradually move to the region to settle down. 傈僳族最早生活在四川、云南交界的金沙江流域一带,后逐步迁到滇西怒江地区定居下来。
- The flowers looked limp in the hot dry weather. 花儿在乾热的天气里显得萎靡无力。
- Study on Fractal Features of Soil Structure of Degraded Soil in Dry and Hot Valley Region of Jinsha River 金沙江干热河谷区退化土壤结构的分形特征研究
- dry-hot valley region of Jinsha River 金沙江干热河谷
- Hot-arid valley of the Jinsha river 釜沙江干热河谷区
- On the farmland of Heishui River basin, which was distributed in dry valley, evapotranspiration was much higher than precipitation. 两个流域草地水量平衡对景观格局的响应模式与有林地基本一致;