- Jino minority people 基诺族
- Lijiang is inhabited by the Naxi minority people. 丽江是纳西族人民聚居的地方。
- Baiku Yao minority people in Nandan have a new tradition. 你若问:“我能跟你拍张照吗?”
- Many Dong minority people live in Guizhou, the southwest of China. 在贵州一带,居住着很多侗族人民。
- Most Dongxiang minority people live in Gansu Province. 东乡族主要居住在我国的甘肃省。
- The arts and handicrafts of minority peoples are a splendid legacy. 少数民族工艺美术异彩纷呈。
- Great changes have taken place in some remote mountain areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minority people. 一些偏远山区和少数民族地区,面貌也有了很大的改变。
- Recently, he often goes to Qinghai and becomes friend of Tibetan ethnic minority people. 最近,他又常在青海,成了藏民的朋友。
- The KD children from total 11 minority peoples accounted for 6.4%. 共11个少数民族,其患儿占6.;4%25;
- It has been 100 yearlong since the Miao Minority people got to know Christianity for the very first time. 时间距苗族与基督教的第一次接触整整一百年。
- Without any activities,I did not see more wonderful things.Baiku Yao minority people in Nandan have a new tradition. 由于没有什么活动,没有看到更多精彩的东西,南丹白裤瑶(族)已经有了一个新的传统。
- Most people in America, minority people in particular, are convinced that injustices exist in their economic system. 大多数美国人;尤其是少数民族;都确信美国经济制度中存在着不公平现象.
- DORBOD (Duerbote) COUNTY has 43,000 minority people, mostly Mongols, the most of any county in Heilongjiang. 杜尔伯特县有43,000为少数民族,其中大多为蒙古人,是黑龙江境内此族人口最多的一县。
- Remarkable improvements have been made in the lives of the minority peoples. 少数民族人民的生活得到了巨大的改善。
- In China, about ten minority peoples have the tradition of eating Muslim food. 在中国,约有十个少数民族有食用清真食品的传统习惯。
- Many cultures and customs of ethnic minority people in the "normal" look at the traditional thinking, become very strange and even bizarre. 很多少数民族的文化和习俗在人们“正常”的传统思维的审视下,会变得十分怪诞甚至不可思议。
- In China,about ten minority peoples have the tradition of eating Muslim food. 在中国,约有十个少数民族有食用清真食品的传统习惯。
- Artistic people are in a tiny minority in this country. 爱好艺术的人在这个国家只占少数。
- The state guarantees the lawful rights and interests of the minority peoples. 国家保障少数民族的合法权益。
- Owing to its natural beauty and unique culture of Gaoshan ethnic minority people, Sun Moon Lake is reputed as The Wonderland in Taiwan. 日月潭以其天生的绝色和独特的高山族文化,被称为“台湾仙境”。