- The ability to defend the Jinggang Mountain base was important because the base served as a haven for the Red army. 防卫井冈山根据地的力量至关重要,因为这块根据地对红军而言是一处良好的避难所。
- Jinggang mountains base 井冈山革命根据地
- The Jinggang Mountains, chinese revolution the first hill. 井冈山,中国革命第一山。
- Base area of revolution of the Jinggang Mountains is base area of revolution of the first country of Chinese, it is the " of the first cornerstone of " People's Republic of China. 井冈山革命根据地是中国第一块农村革命根据地,是"中华人民共和国的第一块奠基石"。
- The Jinggang Mountains lie on the border of Jiangxi and Hunan provinces. 井岗山在江西湖南交界处。
- The Jinggang Mountains lie on the border of Jiangxi and Human provinces. 井岗山在江西湖南交界处。
- The Jinggang Mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet. 井冈山位于四县之交。
- Content of spirit of the Jinggang Mountains is rich, broad and profound. 井冈山精神内容丰富,博大精深。
- In October, 1927, the insurgent army led by Mao Zedong arrived at the Jinggang Mountains after what is known as the Autumn Harvest Uprising and set up here the first revolutionary base area in China. 1927年10月,毛泽东率领秋收起义部队来到井冈山,创建了中国第一个革命根据地。
- Comrade Mao Zedong established an excellent system and a fine style of work for it as early as the period of struggle in the Jinggang Mountains. 从井冈山起,毛泽东同志就为我军建立了非常好的制度,树立了非常好的作风。
- Nine months later Comrade Zhu De joined Comrade.Mao Zedong in the Jinggang Mountains. 9个月之后朱德同志和毛泽东同志在井岗山会合了。
- In china, he has been to many places which I have never visited, with the exception of the Jinggang Mountains. 他在国内旅游过的地方,除了井冈山以外,都是我没有到过的!
- B. In China, he has been to many places where I have never visited, with the exception of the Jinggang Mountains. 他在国内旅游过的地方,除了井冈山外,都是我没有到过的!
- Actually this is corps of Tsinghua the Jinggang Mountains they set Kuai Dafu of rebellious manner head a decoy below. 实际上这是清华井冈山兵团造反派头头蒯大富他们设下的一个圈套。
- Below lofty the Jinggang Mountains, by the side of river of water of leisurely standing grain. 巍巍井冈山下,悠悠禾水河边。
- It was the concept behind his first base-building efforts in the Jinggang Mountains. 这也是他在井冈山进行第一个根据地建设时的理念。
- The stage of taking form is in Jinggang Mountains period in the Second Revolutionary Civil War. 形成时期即第二次国内革命战争中的井冈山时期;
- In this sense, the inhabitants of the Jinggang Mountains are indeed most industrious and intelligent. They are pioneers in the true sense of the word. 井冈山人很聪明,而且非常勤劳,是真正的拓荒者。
- In new period, study and practice " 3 delegates " with promote union of spirit of the Jinggang Mountains to rise have great real sense. 在新时期 ,把学习和实践“三个代表”与弘扬井冈山精神结合起来具有重大的现实意义。
- In this around, institute of institute of Chinese Yan'an cadre, cadre of Chinese the Jinggang Mountains terms begins formally in succession. 在此前后,中国延安干部学院、中国井冈山干部学院相继正式开学。