- Jing and Yuan Dynasties 金元
- Many paintings of the Song and Yuan Dynasties were displayed in the exhibition. 展览会上展出了许多幅宋朝和元朝的画。
- Primary Study on the Wars of Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties in Beijing and Its Peripheral Regions. 辽金元时期北京及周边地区战争的初步研究。
- The colored glaze ceramics of the Song and Yuan dynasties are among the most highly valued by collectors. 收藏者认为,宋元时代的彩釉陶瓷属价值最高的陶瓷之一。
- From then on, it became an important part in eclipse theory of calendar in the Sui, Tang, Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasties. 由于视差对日食计算的影响,使得日食食分算法比月食食分算法显得更加复杂。
- He is a Ph.D. who specializes in the Northern operas of the Jin and Yuan dynasties. 他是文学博士,专门研究金元北曲。
- But in China, the song and yuan dynasties, YuanTiHua and WenRenHua contributed to the new starting point. 而在中国的宋元时期,院体画与文人画的勃兴使中国画迈向新的起点。
- In Song and Yuan Dynasties period, the popular rhapsody was gradually declined with the diversification in form of popular literature. 宋元时期,随着通俗文学形式的多样化,俗赋又渐渐隐去;
- During the Song and Yuan Dynasties the bronze mirrors appeared in all shapes: round, rectangular, rhomboidal, octagonal, and those with a handle. 宋、元时期出现了圆镜、长方镜、棱镜、八棱镜和带柄手镜等。
- Healers of Jin and Yuan dynasties were apt to think independently on medical theories and thus new remedies became a prevailing custom. 摘要自金元时期,医家对医学的理论问题注重独立思考,开始了创制新法新方的风尚。
- During the Song and Yuan Dynasties the bronze mirrors appeare notd in all shapes: round, rectangular, rhomboidal, octagonal, and those with a handle. 宋、元时期呈现了圆镜、长方镜、棱镜、八棱镜和带柄手镜等。
- During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Zaju staged in brothels was a typical representation of the folk culture of that time. 宋元时,勾栏瓦舍中演出的杂剧成为那个时代的民间文化的典型代表。
- Like the acting and singing, the makeup is stylized, inspired by the masks worn by dancers in Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties operas. 和演唱及表演一样,京剧里的化妆也是风格化的。其灵感来源于唐、宋、元代戏剧里的舞蹈者的面具。
- Line off the fen, jiao and yuan. 将分、角和元分行记下。
- Discussing the relationship of Zitong deity with Daoism in Song and Yuan dynasties, this paper corrected some errors in the concerning items in Daozang Tiyao. 从道教文献学的角度侧重探讨宋元间梓潼神这种文化现象与道教的关系 ,并订正《道藏提要》相关条目的讹漏。
- Liao, Jin and Yuan Dynasties surpassed the previous dynasties in the creation of Jue Ju (fourline rhymed poetry) and brought this genre to a new height. 摘要辽金元绝句诗在某些方面超越了前代的水平,将中国古代绝句创作推向新的高度。
- The Quanzhen School of Taoism, established at the Jin and Yuan dynasties, called on Taoists to live an ascetic life and to minimize the needs for material life. 创立于金元之际的全真道更要求道士们过一种禁欲主义的生活,把物质生活的需要抑制到最低水平。
- As for the shape, it's similar with iron arrowheads in Liao and Yuan dynasties, and is right direction when the head of arrow is downwards. Interesting! 从形状看,与辽、元代铁镞的形状十分相似,而且箭头朝下是为正确的摆放姿势。“令箭”一词是否就由此而来?有趣。
- That area has not registered Yi Jing and Feng Shui Hierophant! 该地区目前没有注册易学导师!
- Du Daojian's theory inherited and developed Laozi's thought, possessing an important position in the development of Taoism in the Song and Yuan dynasties. 杜道坚的帝德论继承和发展老子的思想,并在宋元道学发展史上占有重要的地位。