- 为Windows的双字节字符集(DBCS)版本获取屏幕底部的Kanji窗口的高度(以像素为单位)。Gets the height, in pixels, of the Kanji window at the bottom of the screen for double-byte character set (DBCS) versions of Windows.
- OR-18960R-1896
- 贝林,E.(A.)(1854-1971)Emil (Adolf) von Behring (1854~1917)
- 斐索,A.H.L.(1819-1896)Armand Hippolyte Louis Fizeau (1819~1896)
- 一种图形字符集,由两种通用的日本语音字母(平假名和片假名)中的一种(即平假名)所使用的符号组成,每个字符用一个字节表示。参阅Kanji,Katakana。A graphic character set that consists of symbols used in one of the two common Japanese phonetic alphabets. Each character is represented by1 byte.
- 蒂塞利乌斯,A.W.K.(1902-1971)Arne Wilhelm Kaurin Tiselius (1902~1971)
- 前C区1896位终止变异pre-C 1896 "stop" mutation
- 此过程在IETF RFC 1971中定义。This process is defined in IETF RFC 1971.
- 县市分校或工作站1896个1896 Workstations and Branch Schools in Counties
- 1971-2000年天文台录得气压之月平均值Monthly Atmospheric Pressure Recorded at the Observatory between 1971-2000
- 郁达夫(1896-1945)浙江富阳人。Yu Dafu (1896-1945), originally named Yu Wen, was from Fuyang, Zhejiang.
- 1971-2000年在香港天文台录得气温和雨量之半月平均值Half-monthly normals of Air Temperature and Rainfall recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory, 1971-2000
- 虚谷(1874-1896)颇受扬州画派影响,Xu Gu (1874-1896) was a painter of the Qing Dynasty who was affected by the Yangzhou Painting School.
- 尼布尔,雷恩霍德1892-1971美国神学家,主张以伦理道德及基督教戒条来对抗社会问题German historian whose greatly influential history of Rome(published1811-1832) established the modern scientific study of history.
- 香港早期电影轨迹1896-1950展览特刊The Early Days of Hong Kong Cinema: An Exhibition 1896-1950
- 全国教育进展评估至少1971以后男孩比女孩考试成绩要底。Boys have scored lower than girls on tests in the National Assessment of Educational Progress since at least 1971.
- HBV前C区1896点突变的检测及意义Detection of 1896 dot mutation located in hepatitis B virus pre C and the clinical significance
- 从1971和1995年委内瑞拉马脑炎疫情还可以吸取另一个教训。There is another lesson from the 1971 and 1995 Venezuelan equine encephalitis epidemics.
- 马塞奥·伊·格拉哈莱斯,A.(1845-1896)Antonio Maceo y Grajales (1845~1896)
- 自从1971成立以来,国家大学已经发展成为加利福尼亚第二大非营利性私立大学。From its inception in 1971, National has grown to become the second largest private non-profit university in California.