- His calligraphy follows the prevailing customs of the Wei and Jin dynasties. 他的书法承袭了魏晋的流风。
- This thesis starts with a general survey of the development of the Bie-Zhuan in the Wei, and the Jin Dynasties. 本文从钩沉别传原始资料入手,对别传在魏晋时期的发展概况作了一个总体性的梳理。
- The Wei and the Jin Dynasties witnessed a new force of philosophers on the Parnassus and thenew force constituted the rivalry to the traditional poets. 魏晋诗坛哲人群体异军突起,形成了与传统诗人群体抗衡的态势。
- TAO Yuan-ming is a great poet of the Jin Dynasty. 摘要陶渊明是魏晋南北朝时期卓冠一代的大诗人。
- What was the name of Beijing in the Jin Dynasty? 北京在金朝时的名字是什么?
- During the Han and Jin Dynasties, the Fu(傅)family of Beidi(北地)was a rather active aristocratic clan in the north. 摘要北地傅氏家族是汉末至西晋时期相当活跃的一支北方大族。
- Yuin was greatly influenced by his family's admiration for Taoist culture and the Taoist vogue prevailing in Wei and Jin dynasties. 摘要崇尚道家文化的家族好尚与魏晋以来玄风独盛的时代风气,使庾信深受影响。
- The style of gentlemen in Wei and Jin Dynasties impelled YU Da-fu to animadvert on social life or avoid the society or drink and play with prostitutes. 魏晋名士风流感染郁达夫既批判现实,又避世归隐,甚至饮酒狎妓;
- Traveling around has a long history in China, and Shi in Wei and Jin Dynasties were eager to travel in the hope of experiencing freedom and surpass. 摘要游览活动在中国有着悠久的历史,魏晋士人热衷游览活动,是希望在游览的驰骋中体会自由和超越。
- Later, the Han, Sui, Northern and Jin dynasties all repaired, rebuilt, or expanded sections of the Great Wall at great cost to defend themselves against northern invaders. 后来汉朝,北朝和晋朝都修建,重修或者扩建了城墙部分,花费巨大来保护自己免受北方的侵扰。
- Categorized pottery vases with red labels containing mineral, metal, plant, and/or cereal were commonly recovered from tombs dated from Han to Western Jin dynasties. 摘要汉至西晋时期的墓葬中经常发现一些盛于朱书陶瓶内的物品,按其质地可以分为天然矿物类、金属制品类、植物类、五谷类。
- Abstract: Ruan Ji, the famous litterateur, ideologist, in the same position to Ji Kang in the history of Wei and Jin Dynasties, is one of “Seven Hermits in the Bamboo Grove”. 摘要:阮籍是魏晋之际著名的文学家、思想家,与嵇康齐名,为“竹林七贤”之一。
- Ge Hong was an influential figure during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. 葛洪是东晋时期非常有影响的人物。
- Wang Xizhi, who lived in the Eastern Jin dynasty, was best known. 生活在东晋的王羲之,是最著名的书法家。
- Citing the agricultural economy of Northern Song and Jin dynasties as examples, this paper discusses the societal and economic ups and downs in the northern Huaihe area. 摘要文章以北宋和金朝时期农业经济为例,论述了淮北地区社会经济的盛衰变迁。
- GuoPu was one of the outstanding hermeneutist in Jin Dynasty. 郭璞是晋代杰出的训诂学家。
- Code of Jin Dynasty poem : Lan, Hung Shun winter petticoats. 典出晋诗:寒裳顺兰?浚?水木湛清华。
- The Wei and Jin Dynasties are of great importance to the study of ancient Chinese.Many scholars have had a comprehensive study and dissertation of the phonology of this period. 魏晋时期是上古汉语研究中的一个重要时期,时贤前彦对此时期的音韵学已有了全面的研究与论述。
- The typical political environment in the Wei and Jin Dynasties and the Zhuang Zi's philosophy produce Ruan Ji's lonely character and his aesthetic life. 魏晋之际特殊的政治生态环境和老庄哲学思想成就了阮籍这样的畸零人格和审美的人生。
- In the Jin Dynasty (1115-1234), the Golden Hill Hall was built here. 在金朝,金山殿就建在这里。