- Jim Crow laws; a Jim Crow town. 歧视黑人的法律;歧视黑人的小镇
- Southern Democrats filibustered to keep the segregationist Jim Crow laws alive. 南部地区的民主党人阻止了分裂主义的克劳法继续生效。
- "I told them I wouldn't take a Jim Crow job" (Ralph Bunche) “我告诉他们我决不会接受这个带有种族歧视的工作”(拉尔夫·本奇)
- Jim Crow laws 杰姆 克劳法; n.;种族隔离法律
- jim crow law [法] 歧视黑人的法律
- But there is no rule of law in the13)Jim Crow South, not when Negroes are denied housing, turned away from schools, hospitals, and not when we are lynched. 14)St. 但是在施行种族隔离政策的南部,法治并不存在。至少在黑人被拒绝住房的时候,在被学校、医院拒收的时候,在我们被私刑处死的时候,法治并不存在。
- American historian whose works include Origins of the New South(1951) and The Strange Career of Jim Crow(1955). 美国历史学家,作品包含新南方的起源(1951)和JJim Crow的奇怪经历(1955)
- To me, with my vast ignorance, my Jim Crow station in life, it seemed a task impossible of achievement. 对于我,带着巨大的无知,以及所处的受歧视的处境,它显得是一个不可能实现的任务。
- Particularly contemptible was the Jim Crow attitude of the southern white churches, which evidently looked forward to a "lily white" heaven. 特别可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔离黑人的态度,这些白人教堂显然希望进入一个“纯白”的天堂。
- Theories of blacks' innate intellectual inadequacy provided much of the rationale for slavery and for Jim Crow. 黑人天生愚钝的理论非常有力地支持了奴隶制以及对黑人的种族歧视。
- Particularly contemptible was the Jim Crow attitude of the southern white churches,which evidently looked forward to a "lily white" heaven. 特别可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔离黑人的态度,这些白人教堂显然希望进入一个“纯白”的天堂。
- It was worse than that: the Army and the society conspired to degrade African-Americans in every way possible, summed up in the name Jim Crow. 而比这种令人恶心现象更甚者则是:美国陆军与美国社会同谋合力,尽可能以各种方式排斥贬低非裔美国人,此类排斥贬低概括起来即为“种族隔离”。
- Particularly contemptible was the Jim Crow attitude of the southern white churches, which evidently looked forward to a “lily white” heaven. 特别可鄙的是南方白人教堂也采取隔离黑人的态度,这些白人教堂显然希望进入一个“纯白”的天堂。
- But in black America, the idea represents a radical break from the past, a severing of the psychological shackles of slavery and Jim Crow. 但是在非裔美国人中,这个概念代表了一个相对于过去的种族问题上的突破,当时奴隶和黑人被赋予了一套心理枷锁。
- Jim is going to get material for a new book. 吉姆正打算为一部新书准备材料。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是个热心人,可以信赖。
- Although the direct discrimination to blacks during the Jim Crow period has disappeared,a new pattern of racism, i.e. laissez-faire racism,has been strengthening in the post civil-rights era. 过去那种赤裸裸的吉姆·克劳种族主义已经不多见,另一种新形式的消极的放任无为的种族主义在后民权时代出现,并不断加强。
- Charles Wilson of the University of Mississippi argues that religion helped the transition away from Jim Crow, "because it is a language shared by black and white, and because it gives whites a sense of security and continuity amid wrenching change. 不仅因为最具说服力的民权改革者是传教士,诸如马丁.;路德
- A good sportsman should never crow over his achievements. 一个好的运动员不应该因取得的成绩而沾沾自喜。
- Jim is descended from a noble family. 吉姆出身于一个贵族家庭。