- Jifa LUA 吕济发
- Welcome to Hotel Meia Lua in Ovar. 嘻哈生活是一个多语言多文化国际社区网络。
- Lua means "moon" in Portuguese and is pronounced LOO-ah. Lua的意思是葡萄牙语里的月亮。其发音是“卢啊”。
- The next step consists of adding the LUA files to your project. 下一步是添加LUA文件到你的工程里面。
- In my next dish, cha lua , I noticed a touch of Western influence. 我的下一道菜是cha lua(越南火腿)我注意到它有少许有西方风味的影响。
- Tiam lua koro esuz konfuzota,lua penso esuzstopota,do li wakizuz. 入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。
- Lua feblo venuz el la faso ay la sono,ay ciu komprenuz lim. 然后知生于忧患而死于安乐也。”
- For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI &Macros forum. 如需说明卢阿和XML的变化,请访问用户界面和宏论坛。
- Lua heard the teacher say today we can't go outside because it is raining. 卢阿听到老师说,今天我们不能外出,因为它是下雨。
- Therefore, the Lua API does not define anything like a lua_Value type. 为了访问栈中元素,API使用了索引。
- Commonner complication is the gall-stone of the pigment that contain bravery, and block of Ke Jifa total bile duct and block sex are icteric. 较常见的并发症是含胆色素的胆结石,并可继发总胆管阻塞和阻塞性黄疸。
- Gu Jifa, Tang Xijin. Wuli-Shili-Renli System Approach: Theory and Applications [M], Shanghai Scientific and Technological Education Publishing House, 2006. 顾基发,唐锡晋,物理-事理-人理系统方法论:理论与应用,上海科技教育出版社,2006
- Also Ke Jifa after resection of greater part of lack of masticatory obstacle, hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, stomach, bowel the disease such as verminosis suffers from. 也可继发于咀嚼障碍、胃酸缺乏、胃大部切除术后、肠道寄生虫病等疾患。
- My aim with this tutorial is to describe the LUA implementation used by SGE (Sphere Games Engine). 我的这个教程的目标是讲述SGE关于LUA的实现方法。
- So then Janitor found Lua playing in the mud and he put Lua in the tub and that's how Lua knows that listening is good. 那么看门人发现卢阿在泥泞中,他把卢阿放在浴缸里冲洗,就是如何卢阿知道要听大人的话。
- The sliders "power" and "angle" range from 0 to 100 and can be seen in the LUA files. 在LUA文件中,我们可以看到有两个滑动调节的项,“强度”和“角度”,调节范围都是从0到100。
- The Lua people and Thai-Dai people lived together and shared their resources and cultures. 洛人和傣泰人生活在一起,资源与文化共享。
- As the Thai-Dai people settled in the rich river valley, they took over the control upon the Lua indigenous people. 傣泰人定居于肥沃的河谷低地以后,政治上控制了洛人原住民。
- The implementation present here uses macros to ease integrating LUA with your own classes. 这儿的实现使用宏来使LUA集成到你自己类里面更容易。