- Journal of Jiangsu Polytechnic University 江苏工业学院学报
- Moral Culture, the Primary Ingredient in Education--A Report on the investigation of teachers'morality in Jiangsu Polytechnic University 百年树人德为先--江苏工业学院师德调研报告
- Author SUN Fuan;GUO Yi;ZHANG Yifeng;HE Mingyang;CHEN Qun(Jiangsu Polytechnic University;Jiangsu Key Lab of Fine Chemicals;Changzhou 213164;Jiangsu;China); 作者孙富安;郭一;张益峰;何明阳;陈群;
- Jiangsu Polytechnic University 江苏工业学院
- Of the Hebei Polytechnic University library. 河北理工大学的图书馆。
- Interns from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 来自香港理工大学的实习生。
- North Polytechnic University football team is an example of success. 北理工队就是大学足球成功的典范。”
- The1 st or2 nd year students of the Faculty of Information Technology may apply for transfer to Polytechnic University. 澳门科技大学资讯科技学院攻读理学学士学位的一年级或二年级学生,可以申请转学去纽约理工大学攻读理学学士课程。
- The Hong Kong Polytechnic University has a large scale and have been fostering many outstanding people for Hong Kong. 香港理工大学:贵校规模庞大,为香港培养了很多优秀人才。
- There are lots of CWISs(Campus-Wide Information Systems) running in tjpu(TianJin PolyTechnic University) nowadays. 天津工业大学在校园网络环境下已建立了多个信息系统,为学校领导、各部门及全校教师、学生提供多种服务。
- California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Physics Department Colloquia, Pomona, February 22, 2008. (在伴侣好的阴影下:美国冷战期间和冷战后的科学政策),
- He pursued Master of Science in Information Systems from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, graduating in year 1994. 1994年,邓先生取得香港理工大学信息系统学硕士学位。
- Williamson received his BSEE degree from California State Polytechnic University at Pomona, California, USA. 主要负责美国电子商务的所有标准活动和相关技术和政策,包括各种企业问题,技术发展和标准的启动。
- Prof.Zhang gave an instructive lecture at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University yesterday. 张教授昨天在香港理工大学作了一个与人教益的演讲。
- Sze Yuk-hiu, Lecturer of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, to deliver an address on the joy of reading. 另外,我们亦邀请到颁奖嘉宾香港理工大学讲师施育晓先生与同学谈读书的乐趣。
- Tianjin Polytechnic University campus in West Green West Green Zone in Tianjin Yangliuqing town Liu Hau Road 47. 天津理工大学西青校区在天津市西青区杨柳青镇柳口路47号。
- Who knows Yangzhou Polytechnic University, 2008% 20 of the bottom line score line is how much? 您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>院校信息>谁知道扬州职业大学2008年的底线分数线是多少?
- Welcome to the Web Appointment System of the University Health Service, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 欢迎使用香港理工大学,大学医疗保健处网上预约系统。
- Tsoi graduated from the Department of Physiotherapy of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University with distinction . 并于2000年取得英国巴拉丁运动导师之认可证书。
- This is a questionnaire for investing the quality of water for The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. 这是一份关于水质问题的问卷调查,是为香港理工大学作研究之用。