- How can I betraythe fleet and fail the allied army? 我怎么能叛离这支舰队,挫折同盟的军队?
- The bridge was blown to bits by the allied army. 这座桥被盟军炸成碎片。
- How can I betray the fleet and fail the allied army? 我怎么能叛离这支舰队,挫折同盟的军队
- Xi Guohua's undersecretary: Director Cai of respect, wu Li issue is senior, jiang Fu is long, everybody is led, ladies, gentlemen, everybody good morning. 奚国华副部长:尊敬的蔡主任,吴理事长,蒋市长,各位领导,女士们,先生们,大家早上好。
- Allied armies liberated France from the Nazis. 盟军把法国从纳粹手里解放了出来。
- Episode 3: Falaise Pocket: Command the Wehrmacht Army as your soldiers try and hold off the advancing Allied army. 大意:指挥德国国防军阻止万恶的美帝关闭法莱斯缺口......
- In 1933,Feng Yu-hsiang co-operated for a time with the Communist Party in forming the Anti-Japanese Allied Army in Chahar Province. 冯玉祥于1933年在察哈尔滨还曾经和共产党一度合作,建立了抗日同盟军。
- On the eve of the failure of the allied army, the special environments determined that Feng couldn't discompose the CCP. 同盟军失败前夕,冯玉祥之所以没有公开“分共”,是由当时的特殊环境决定的。
- French field marshal who commanded the Allied armies in France during World War I. 霞飞,约瑟夫·雅克·塞泽尔1852-1931法国野战军团元帅,在第一次世界大战中他指挥在法国的盟军
- The Reich's military mobility caught the allied army unawares and in no time the city after city lie trampled under the Nazi's iron heels. 第三帝国的军事行动打的盟军措手不及,瞬间一座座城池践踏于纳粹的铁蹄之下。
- Meanwhile in the east Ran Min again destroyed an allied army of over 100,000 of the Tangut and Yue Shi with only 60,000 army. 同时,在东方,冉闵再次用6万军队摧毁了超过十万的河西、月氏军队。
- So as the day slithered into night, I infiltrated a Mong Kok pet shop and ransomed a couple of hamsters whom will become my kung fu allies. 日暮时分,我潜入旺角一家宠物店,抓了两只仓鼠作我的功夫同盟军。
- So they raised the swelling tide of carving up China.In 1900, under the leadership of Count Von Waldersee, the allied army invaded Beijing and made a slaughter. 1900年,在瓦德西的率领下,八国联军入侵北京,大肆掠压,“京师尸积遍地,腐肉白骨路横”,“火焚数千万家,昼夜烈焰腾空”,繁华的北京城遭受了一场空前的浩劫。
- By the time the Allied Armies reached the out-skirtsoft Berlin, Nazi Germany was completely down and out. 当盟军直叩柏林城下时,纳粹德国便彻底崩溃了。
- The army was demoralized by defeat. 军队因战败而士气消沉。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- The Fuhrer therefore had to think and speak coolly and deliberately, as a rational man and primarily as a soldier, as the leader of the German and allied armies. 因此元首作为一个理性的人,特别是作为一个战士,作为德国和盟军的领袖,不得不冷静、审慎地思考和发言。
- The English language is allied to the German language. 英语和德语属于同一语系。
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。
- When allied armies into the town, all women in town were beat Malena, tear off her clothe, cur all her hair, and cursed her because her was too arrogant. 盟军进入西西里,镇上的女人全体打马莲娜,撕掉她的衣服,剪掉他的头发,骂她说看她以后还嚣张什么。