- Jewish American Princess 犹太公主
- A first-generation Jewish American,Bernstein was born in Lawrence,Mass in 1918. 伯恩斯坦1918年生于马萨诸塞州的劳伦斯市,是第一代美国犹太人。
- A first-generation Jewish American, Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Mass in 1918. 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦1918年生于马萨诸塞州的劳伦斯市,是第一代美国犹太人。
- Dance band: A first-generation Jewish American, Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Mass. in 1918. 为跳舞伴奏的乐队:伯恩斯坦于1918年出生在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯市,是第一代在美国出生的犹太族美国人。
- Dance band: A first-generation Jewish American,Bernstein was born in Lawrence,Mass. in 1918. 为跳舞伴奏的乐队:伯恩斯坦于1918年出生在马萨诸塞州劳伦斯市,是第一代在美国出生的犹太族美国人。
- Bernard Malamud is generally acknowledged as a standard-bearer in Jewish American literature after the Second World War. 作为二战后美国犹太文学公认的旗手,伯纳德·马拉默德擅长以描写犹太小人物的悲惨命运来开掘人类在苦难中追求美好道德的大主题。
- It's also marked by disturbing passages describing how Jewish American agents were responsible for Naylor's surveillance. 它也标志着描述美国特工负责对Naylor的监视。
- During remarks in Derry, N.H., Bush said the terrorist Abu Nidal killed Leon Klinghoffer, a 69-year-old Jewish American who died after being tossed - along with his wheelchair - off a hijacked cruise liner named Achille Lauro in 1985. 在新罕布什尔州德里的演讲中,布什说1985年恐怖分子阿布·尼达尔杀害了69岁的美籍犹太人利昂·克林霍弗。(恐怖分子)把他绑在轮椅上,并把他从劫持的"阿奇里·劳罗"号大型游艇上扔入大海。
- This trilogy as a whole isconcerned with the growth of a young Jewish American artist and his unremittingsearch for a balanced self and, therefore, is regarded as an inseparable and organicunity. 结论认为《鬼作家》、《解放了的朱克曼》、《解剖课》和“布拉格狂欢”始终围绕着犹太作家朱克曼对艺术和自我的追求展开,共同描绘了一个美国犹太青年艺术家自我成长和艺术发展的动态画像,因此这些小说构成了一个有机统一的整体。
- The Assistant is one of the early works by Jewish American writer Bernard Malamud. It has been listed as one of one hundred best English-language novels from 1923 to present, which manifests its importance in the literary field. 本文研究的小说《店员》(亦可翻译为《伙计》)是美国犹太作家伯纳德·马拉默德的早期作品之一,此小说被美国《时代》周刊列为1923至今的百部最佳小说之一,这充分说明该小说的地位和作用。
- His family descended from Jewish immigrants. 这家人是犹大移民的后裔。
- Here is a local Jewish community. 这是当地犹太人的一个社区。
- The Jewish nation is scattered around the world. 犹太民族散居于世界各地。
- The first month of the year in the Jewish calendar. 提市黎日犹太教历中一年的第一个月份
- Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
- Bernard Malamud is a famous American Jewish writer. 伯纳德·马拉默德是当代美国重要的犹太作家之一。
- He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
- The American market turned roundsharply a week ago. 美国证券市场於一周前急遽反转。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。
- American girls are often very pretty. 美国女孩多很漂亮。