- She went to a jewelry shop for a pair of earrings. 她到了一家珠宝店准备给自己买一对耳环。
- Then what about my jewelry shop? 大牛:那我那家首饰店呢?
- I saw Tom up to the jewelry shop on the top floor to buy a Chinese vase. 我陪汤姆到顶层的珠宝店买一个中国花瓶。
- Our jewelry shop provides gold, silver and jewelry at favoraBle prices. 本银楼优惠价供应金银珠宝。
- Initially, Hattori owned a jewelry shop in the Ginza area of Tokyo, and used to make watches under the brand name Seikosha. 最初,服部所属珠宝店面积在东京银座、而用来制造。上海精工手表。
- To leave Khartoum, Omdurman market for gold, visit the city of Port Sudan gold jewelry shop, this is Ambilight, Journey Into Amazing Caves. 离开喀土穆、恩图曼黄金市场,光临苏丹港市的黄金珠宝首饰店铺,这里更是流光溢彩,别有洞天。
- And close at hand, a bridge away from the gold jewelry market in Khartoum, Omdurman gold jewelry shop is also a gold heap Pinnacle, so beautiful. 与近在咫尺、一桥之隔的喀土穆黄金珠宝首饰市场相比,恩图曼的黄金珠宝首饰店铺,同样是堆金叠翠,美不胜收。
- Wong Chia Chi was seeking for an opportunity to kill Mr.Yi.At one night, she pretended to visit the jewelry shop, while Mr.Yi presented her the ring with lovingly affectionateness in his eyes. 王佳芝一直在寻找刺杀汉奸易先生的机会,某夜,她假意与易先生逛珠宝店,易先生却向她送上这枚粉红钻戒,眼中更闪过脉脉深情;
- Whenever we get into a SWG Credits shop, we would make sure of buying the jewelry at much cheaper prices that would not be available with ordinary jewelry shops. 下面,我从代孕妈妈的四种典型类型分析上述道理。一, 创业型。现今生活,在一个相对缺范公平的环境里,勤劳致富大多时候不过是个美丽的谎言。
- Harvey, a jewelry shop clerk, has been saving for years to get married to charming Ding Ding.But he is robbed of all his saving in jewelries. 一名当珠宝店售货员的小人物-谢菲,有一批储蓄多年的私己钻石,价值七十万港元,原本打算把它卖掉用作与女友婷婷结婚之用,不料被两名匪徒抢去。
- Besides laundries and restaurants, New York's Chinatown is now home to many jewelry shops. 除了洗衣店、餐厅,唐人街的珠宝商店也多了起来。
- Many shopping area near we , e.g: Argyle Centre Arcade , Langham Place Shopping Mall , New Town Mall and more and more jewelry shops. 邻近有多间银行,购物商场和各国风味的食肆。太子地铁站,九广铁路,女人街及电器街都近在咫尺。
- Schullin Jewelry Shop 2,Veinna,Austria 维也纳士林珠宝店二分店,奥地利
- Application: Windows and doors, curtain wall, louver and ceiling in skyscraper. Special public places such as banks, jewelry shops, exhibition centers and aquariums. 产品应用:高层建筑物的门窗、幕墙、天窗、吊顶。银行、珠宝店、水族馆、展示厅等特殊场所。车站、机场、家居等室内装饰,玻璃家具。
- Jewelers usually specialize in one or more of these areas and may work for large jewelry-manufacturing firms, for small retail jewelry shops, or as owners of their own businesses. 宝石行业人员通常专精于这些领域的一个或多个方面的工作,既可以为大型的珠宝制造公司工作,也可以在小型零售商店或者独立经营自己的业务。
- Even a quick glance reveals the fastpaced city of luxurious hotels, custom suits and endless jewelry shops, whose 5.9 million residents own the highest number of Rolls Royces per capita and drink the most cognac per capita of any culture in the world. 即使匆匆一瞥也能看出,这是一座到处是豪华宾馆、定做服装店和无数首饰商店的快步发展的城市。 按人口平均计算,这座城市590万居民拥有的罗尔斯--罗伊斯轿车和品尝的法国科涅克白兰地酒的数量,居世界所有文明社会
- A right turn brings visitors to one of Florence's famous outdoor sights, the Ponte Vecchio.This bridge over the Arno River has been lined with jewelry shops and goldsmiths since 1593. 右转便将游客带入佛罗伦萨最著名的户外风景区韦奇奥桥,此桥横跨亚诺河上,桥上自1593年便设有成排的珠宝店和金匠铺子。
- The gang knocked over a jewelry store. 这伙歹徒抢劫了一家珠宝店。
- Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory. 杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。