- Jerry Yang Xiangzhong 杨向中(1959-),美国人,华人生物学家,他与日本鹿儿岛良种牛育种中心研究员洼田力合作,培育出二代克隆牛(2000年)。
- Filo and Jerry Yang of the old knowledge. 杨致远和费罗是旧识。
- D. students David Filo and Jerry Yang. 1995年注册公司。
- This year's winner in Vegas, Jerry Yang, qualified the same way. 今年的维加斯扑克冠军杰瑞杨的晋级之路也是如此。
- I think Jerry Yang and Filo are probably not even tell the day and night. 杨致远开始与网景讨价还价,网景提出一项建议:搜索引擎按字母顺序排列。
- Microsoft's acquisition of the face, Jerry Yang and Filo had refused to choose. 面对微软的收购,杨致远和费罗继续选择了拒绝。
- Jerry Yang said: "I believe Mr.Icahn and his board will be a very wrong choice. 杨致远表示:“相信伊坎先生和他的董事会将是一个很错误的选择。”
- Microsoft chief executive Steve Ballmer formally withdrew the offer in a letter to Yahoo chief executive Jerry Yang. 微软总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫·鲍尔默在给雅虎首席执行官杨致远的信中,正式撤回收购报价。
- Jerry Yang, who remains the firm's" Chief Yahoo", is proud of what the company has achieved. 杨致远至今仍是公司的“雅虎酋长”,他对公司所取得的成就感到骄傲。
- Jerry Yang, who remains the firm's "Chief Yahoo", is proud of what the company has achieved. 杨致远至今仍是公司的“雅虎酋长”,他对公司所取得的成就感到骄傲。
- Barton also requested that Jerry Yang, the transaction will not affect the search for fair competition in the market. 巴顿还要求杨致远说明,该交易不会影响网络搜索市场公平竞争的理由。
- "Jerry Yang and Filo bear the greatest of all the shareholders the fiduciary obligations. “杨致远与费罗对全体股东负有最大的受托义务。”
- Bill Gates of Microsoft and Jerry Yang the establisher of internet site yahoo are examples of Bobos. 微软公司的比尔.;盖茨和互联网站雅虎的创建者杨致远就是“波波”一族的典型代表。
- Ferro graduated from Tulane University in 1988 and once served as the assistant Jerry Yang counseling. 费罗1988年毕业于杜兰大学,而且一度担任辅导杨致远的助教。
- That drew a vitriolic rebuff from Yahoo co-founder and chief executive Jerry Yang about Microsoft's bullying tactics. 这吸引了硫酸回绝了雅虎共同创办人及行政总裁杰里杨对微软的欺压手段。
- At that time, the outside world that Jerry Yang has the confidence of Silicon Valley, which is Semel lack. 当时,外界认为,杨致远拥有硅谷的信任,而这正是塞梅尔所缺乏的。
- Icahn also said, is actively selected to replace Yahoo CEO Jerry Yang and the management team of candidates. 伊坎还表示,正在积极挑选能接替雅虎CEO杨致远及其管理团队的候选人。
- June last year, Yahoo's Jerry Yang to return to prospects to replace Semel as CEO. 去年6月,杨致远重回雅虎前台,取代塞梅尔成为CEO。
- Autumn 1995 to the beginning of Japan's Softbank Investment Yahoo, Jerry Yang of the company to a new stage. 1995年秋日本的软银开始向雅虎投资,这使杨致远的公司走向了新阶段。
- Icahn ambitious but will move into the Board of Trustees, Jerry Yang is still a great challenge. 但将野心勃勃的伊坎招进董事会,对杨致远来说仍是一项极大挑战。