- Jehan Buhan 比昂
- Shah Jehan wanted his wife's tomb to be perfect. 沙杰汗要把他爱妃的陵墓修得尽善尽美。
- Shah Jehan and his wife have 14 children. 他和他的妻子有14个孩子。
- It was Jehan du Moulin who struck out the first flash. 磨坊的约翰带头点燃了火花。
- "Why, upon my soul!" cried Jehan, "if it isn't Clopin Trouillefou! “活见鬼,这不正是克洛潘·特鲁伊甫吗!”约翰接着说。
- "Very good," returned Jehan Frollo, "we'll quadruple the devil for them. “那么,就该把这一切闹个底朝天
- The bodies of Shah Jehan and his wife lie in a tomb below this room. 沙哲汗和他爱妃的遗体就安放在这个房间下面的墓室里。
- Without Patrasche, Jehan Daas was not able to pull the cart of milk cans along the deep muddy road on snowy days. 没有帕特拉斯基,耶汉·达斯是没有办法在下雪天时拖着装运牛奶罐的拖车,走在泥泞不堪的路上。
- A few years later, old Jehan Daas lost the use of his limbs on account of rheumatism. 几年后,老耶汉?达斯因患风湿症而四肢瘫痪。
- Old Jehan Daas made his living by carrying the milk cans of the neighbors away to the town of Antwerp. 老耶汉?达斯靠着帮邻居把牛奶罐载运到安特卫普市来维持生计。
- She was a simple child and loved Jehan Daas's grandson most of all her playmates. 她是个单纯的孩子,而在所有玩伴当中,她最喜爱耶汉?达斯的孙子。
- However, tranquility had gradually been restored, Jehan was silent, the beggar was counting the small change in his hat, and the play had once more got the upper hand. 好在渐渐平静了下来,学子们不再作声了,叫花子数着毡帽里几个铜钱,演戏终于占了上风。
- "Matre Andry," said Jehan, still hanging fast to his capital, "hold thy tongue, or I fall plump on thy head. “安德里老公,闭住你的鸟嘴,要不,看我掉下去砸在你的脑袋上。” 约翰一直吊在柱顶上,接过话头说道。
- Matre Andry,” said Jehan, still hanging fast to his capital,“ hold thy tongue, or I fall plump on thy head. 安德里老公,闭住你的鸟嘴,要不,看我掉下去砸在你的脑袋上。”约翰一直吊在柱顶上,接过话头说道。
- Over three hundred years ago Shah Jehan built the Taj Mahal as a tomb for his wife. 三百多年前,沙杰汗建造了泰姬陵作为他妃子的坟墓。
- Christmas Day, death came into the hut and took Jehan Daas away from this world forever. 圣诞节前那一周的一个晚上,死神降临了茅屋,把耶汉?达斯永远带离人间。
- It was during the rule of Shah Jehan that Urdu attained the status and recognition of a court language. 摘要莫卧尔时期,乌尔都语逐渐取代波斯语和阿拉伯语的官方地位。
- Whereupon Jehan, left master of the field, added triumphantly, "And I'd do it too, though I am the brother of an archdeacon. 约翰成了这战场的主人,便乘胜追击: “我虽是副主教的弟弟,但还是要这么干。”
- One night during the week before Christmas Day, death came into the hut and took Jehan Daas away from this world forever. 圣诞节前那一周的一个晚上,死神降临了茅屋,把耶汉?达斯永远带离人间。
- Shah Jehan, the fifth Mughal 5 emperor built the Taj Mahal in 1631 as a loving tribute to the memory of his second wife, Mumtaz Mahal. 语言往往无法传达笼罩着泰姬陵的那种世间罕见的美丽、浪漫和传奇色彩。