- Cruella's furtiveness implies a more sinister explanation,as does her newly formed friendship with French fashion furrier Jean Pierre Le Pelt. 克鲁拉鬼鬼祟祟,最近又和法国裘皮时装设计师让·皮埃尔·勒佩尔特交上了朋友,这些都暗藏着一个更加邪恶的阴谋。
- Cruella'sfurtivenes simplies a more sinister explanation,as does her newly formed friendship with French fashion furrier Jean Pierre Le Pelt. 克鲁拉鬼鬼祟祟,最近又和法国裘皮时装设计师让·皮埃尔·勒佩尔特交上了朋友,这些都暗藏着一个更加邪恶的阴谋。
- Cruella's furtivenes simplies a more sinister explanation,as does her newly formed friendship with French fashion furrier Jean Pierre Le Pelt. 克鲁拉鬼鬼祟祟,最近又和法国裘皮时装设计师让·皮埃尔·勒佩尔特交上了朋友,这些都暗藏着一个更加邪恶的阴谋。
- With it's incredible visual style and sense of fantasy the most obvious point of comparison for Citizen Dog is Jean Pierre Jeunet's Amelie. 像曼谷这样一个发展中的大都市,总是充满过多的商店、大楼,过少或是太远的公园和绿地。
- Jean Pierre Moueix is a range created to typify the round, subtle perfumes and the characteristic of each appellation, and the quality and style synonymous with the Moueix name. 莫意克精选系列体现了葡萄酒圆润柔顺的芬芳气息和各产区葡萄酒的独特个性,其品质与风格即是莫意克这个名字的同义词。
- RATSIMIHAH, Jean Pierre RAVELOMANANTSOA 让·皮埃尔·拉韦卢马南楚阿·拉齐米哈
- Introduction by Director Jean Pierre Jeunet 导演介绍
- Excuse me, are you Mr. Pierre from Paris? 请问,哪一位是从巴黎来的皮埃尔先生?
- Jean has come out in spots so she's staying in bed. 琼身上出现斑点,所以正卧床休息。
- What is her name? Her name is Jean. 她叫什么名字?她的名字叫珍。
- Pierre is one of the leading lights of the French court. 皮埃尔是法国宫廷中的重要人物之一。
- jean Pierre Blanchard and American doctor john Jeffries made the first aerial crossing of the English channel, in a hydrogen-filled balloon. 让.;皮埃尔
- I told you that in confidence so why did you tell Jean about it? 我是私下告诉你的,你怎么又告诉了琼呢?
- Jean: I'm not sure, Billy. I feel dizzy and nauseated. 琴:我不确定,比利,我感觉昏眩作呕。
- Amat: Ah, bis saya sudah datang. 噢,我(等)的巴士来了。
- It's difficult to tell Jean from Joan; they look so alike. 琴和琼很难分得出来,她们长得太像了。
- Jean was really lucky that she picked a winning number on the first draw. 简真是幸运之极,她第一次便抽到一个中奖号码。
- Every Saturday Jean went riding on the village common. 每周六琴在村里的公用草地上骑马。
- Pierre and Marie live in France. 皮埃尔和玛丽住在法国。
- It teed Jean off when Billy stole her candy. 比利偷简的糖果,使得简非常恼火。