- Jazz up classical tunes 把古典乐曲奏成爵士音乐
- Do you want to jazz up your old products? 你想给你们的老产品添点生气吗?
- He has tried to jazz up the old car with a spot of paint and some accessories. 他设法用少许油漆和一些零件把那辆旧汽车弄得面目一新。
- I hope you got a great DJ to jazz up your party. 我希望你有一个很好的音乐主持人,这样会使你的派对活泼起来。
- National Chinese Orchestra, Taiwan lead jazz erhu player Ming-Hua Wang brings a fresh sound to these classic tunes, while Taiwan's king of drum Rich Huang enkindles that passion in your heart. 台湾国家国乐团首席王明华的爵士二胡,让台湾老歌耳目一新;台湾鼓王黄瑞丰拍动您心中未曾退歇的热情;
- You can really jazz up your PC with Bee Icons! 你可以真正的爵士乐您的电脑与蜜蜂图标!
- It's a jazzed up version of an old tune. 这是把一段古老的曲调翻新了。
- I don't care if they want to jazz up Bach, but I wish they would leave Beethoven alone. 如果他们想把巴赫的乐曲改编成爵士乐我不在乎,但我希望他不要这样去改贝多芬的乐曲。
- Hello and welcome to the Isle of Man's classic tunes &loads of Fun Fun Fun Internet Radio Station, ** ScarlettFM ** Have fun. 您好,欢迎到马恩岛的经典歌曲及许多娱乐娱乐娱乐互联网广播电台,**鲜红调频广播**玩得开心。
- I've tried to jazz up the old car with a spot of paint and some accessories. 我设法用少量油漆和一些配件修整这辆旧汽车。
- Tom has tried to jazz up the old car with a spot paint and some accessories. 汤姆设法用少许油漆和一些零件把那辆旧车弄得面目一新。
- Ten marine life animal babies and their mothers happily cavort in the water to words that can be sung to the classic tune of " Down in the Meadow. 本书作者用简单的文字及生动的油画插画介绍了海洋中的一些生物,从海牛到水母,同时这也是一首儿歌喔,书末还有附上歌词跟音谱喔!
- They jazzed up after a round of beer. 喝过一巡酒之后,他们更加兴高采烈了。
- The newsman jazzed up the story to sell himself to the editor of the weekly. 这位记者把报道写得绘声绘色,以求博得那家周刊的青睐。
- Newton discovers gravitational theory, built up classic mechanics, he uses a formula the biggest ephemeris sport in the cosmos and minimum grain sport of the son unify. 牛顿发现万有引力定律,建立了经典力学,他用一个公式将宇宙中最大天体的运动和最小粒子的运动统一起来。
- I don't care if they want to jazz up Bach,but I wish they would leave Beethoven alone. 如果他们想把巴赫的乐曲改编成爵士乐我不在乎,但我希望他们不要去改贝多芬的乐曲。
- I'm jazzed up and ready to face life. 他的意思就和爵士乐没有什么太大的关系了。
- They say the resolution is good, and they can add glitter and sparkles to jazz up the image. 他们说,美甲喷绘不仅清晰度好,而且还可以在其上装饰亮点使之更为光彩夺目。
- She prefers pop music and jazz to classical music. 较之古典音乐她更喜欢流行音乐与爵士音乐。
- Her brilliant speech jazzed up the lecture. 她精彩的演讲让这场讲座生动起来。