- Jazz is enjoying a revival. 爵士音乐再度盛行。
- He is enjoying a revival after four years in the wilderness. 下野4年后他又复出了。
- The oil market is enjoying a boom. 石油市场欣欣向荣。
- However, spurred on by recent studies suggesting that it can cut the risk of cancer and heart disease, and retard the aging process, tea is enjoying a similar and a reviving jolt. 最近的研究在鼓吹它能降低癌症和心脏病的发病率,并能延缓衰老。时下,茶也在经受类似复苏的波动。
- The country is enjoying a period of peace and prosperity. 国家正值国泰民安、繁荣昌盛的时期。
- The country's service sectors are enjoying a revival, with consumption of health- related products continuing to soar. 服务行业呈现繁荣,与健康有关的消费品广受欢迎。
- Our economy is undergoing a revival. 我们的经济正处于复苏阶段。
- Folk music is currently enjoying a renaissance. 民间音乐现在又时兴起来了。
- Victorian majolica, too, is enjoying a following after long neglect. 维多利亚时代的花饰上釉陶器在被人遗忘多年之后,如今有了大批追随者。
- Religion is experiencing a revival. 宗教正在经历复兴。
- Our mini-type washer is enjoying a high prestige at the home market. 我们生产的迷你型洗衣机在国内市场享有很高的声誉。
- Or that there is a revival of the spirit and soul. 又或者说,这里是一种精神和灵魂的复活。
- What makes the stunting of children's lives and bodies more shocking in Peru's case is that the country is enjoying a boom. 之所以在秘鲁出现儿童身体生长发育迟缓的情况更让人震惊,是因为这个国家的经济极为繁荣。
- The other key aspect of jazz is improvisation. 爵士乐的另外一个重要因素就是即兴创作。
- Yarmuth says Iraq's government is enjoying a multibillion dollar surplus, while Americans pay the salaries of Iraqi security forces. 说在美国为伊拉克安全局势承担代价的同时,伊拉克政府享受着数十亿美元的补给。
- Jazz is waiting for us to take the HCA. 爵士在等着我们夺取主场优势呢。
- US presidential candidate Barack Obama is enjoying a groundswell of enthusiasm in a small city in western Japan, which is delighted to share his name. 去年,村上市长致信奥巴马,并随信寄了一套小浜的名品“漆筷”给他。小浜濒临日本海,位于日本福井县的若狭町地区。
- The scheme repose on a revival of trade. 这个计划以活跃贸易为基础。
- N Yarmuth sa ys idIraq’s government is enjoying a multibillion dollars surplus while Americans pay the salaries of Iraqi security forces. N说伊拉克政府的财政盈余高达数十亿,而美国却在为伊拉克的保卫力量支付薪水。
- The second major element of jazz is rhythm . 爵士的第二个关键要素就是节奏。