- Java Objects Everywhere JOE Just In Time JIT Java Archive JAR J/K J/K ( 开个玩笑)
- Java Objects Everywhere 泛在Java语言对象
- Java objects do not have the same lifetimes as primitives. Java对象不具备与主类型一样的存在时间。
- Java object serialization does not support batch processing. Java对象序列化并不支持批处理。
- Read about the use of XT extensions to retrieve Java objects in the. 中学习XT扩展的用法以检索Java对象。
- Java objects may be much more complex than a standard relational table or a combination of multiple tables. Java对象可以比标准的关系表或者多个表格结合复杂得多。
- Most of the BLOB columns in the process choreographer database schema contain serialized Java objects. 在业务流程编排器的数据库体系结构中,大部分的BLOB列包含了序列化的Java对象。
- Content handlers are Java objects that are supplied to all events created by a particular event factory. 内容处理程序是Java对象,提供给特定事件工厂创建的所有事件。
- The resulting code lets you monitor state changes without cluttering up your Java objects. 最后得到的代码使您可以监视状态变化,同时不会搞乱Java对象。
- The SOAP binding needs to decode the hash map contents and instantiate Java objects for each value. SOAP绑定需要解码散列表的内容,对每个值创建Java对象的实例。
- Instead of creating a full domain model, its job is to map Java objects directly to SQL statements. 它没有创建完整的域模型,其工作是将Java对象直接映射到SQL语句。
- Create the XML configuration files that will be used to map your Java objects to your database tables. 创建XML配置文件,用它把Java对象映射到数据库表。
- Introducing a technique that will let you avoid the nitty-gritty details of serializing Java objects. 基础之上,介绍一种可以避免繁琐的Java对象序列化细节的技术。
- Aspects can be abstract and they can use inheritance to subclass, just like Java objects. 方面可以是抽象的,所以可以用继承来派生子类,就像Java对象一样。
- The main two SDO transport formats are XML data described by an XML schema, and serialized Java objects. 两种主要的SDO传输格式是由XML模式描述的XML数据和序列化的Java对象。
- I ll consider three of the ways you can produce XML data from your Java objects and discuss the pros and cons of each. 我将考虑从Java对象产生XML数据的三种方法,并讨论每种方法的优劣。
- This is a general-purpose pool of memory (also in the RAM area) where all Java objects live. 一种常规用途的内存池(也在RAM区域),其中保存了Java对象。
- C.The programmer has a mechanism that explicity and immediately frees the memory used by Java objects. 垃圾收集允许程序开发者明确指定并立即释放该内存。
- When you create a Java object using new,it hangs around past the end of the scope. 用new关键字创建一个Java对象的时候,它会超出作用域的范围之外。
- JMAPI is a set of interfaces that read and write Java objects,such as status information,directly into a relational database for management. JMAPI是一组将状态信息等一类的Java对象直接读写进关系数据库进行管理的接口。