- He and his comrades homechuan hu go,fang pin wen ku to help disasterdu huang the masses, isolated Japanese Puppet Regime against reactionary forces, soon to establish the anti-Japanese regime. 他和战友们走家串户,访贫问苦,帮助群众抗灾度荒,孤立打击日伪反动势力,很快建立起抗日政权。
- September 1937, the Japanese capture Qingyuan City, the county has become the rule of the Japanese area, Japanese Puppet Regime Qingyuan in Qingyuan City, the establishment of the county government. 1937年9月,日军攻陷清苑城,全县先后沦为日军统治区,日伪清苑县政府在清苑城建立。
- On East Asian Association Campaign of Japanese Puppet Regime 试论日伪的东亚联盟运动
- literature in the Japanese puppet regime in Northeast China 伪满洲国文学
- The decadent puppet regime was falling apart. 那个堕落的傀儡政权正在土崩瓦解。
- Under Japan's manipulation, CRBC was no longer the bank only confined to puppet regime and raised funds for Japanese war of aggression. 在日伪的操纵下,中储行已经是远远超出金融经济领域的银行,而完全成为替汪伪政府支撑财政、为日本侵略战争筹措战费的经济工具。
- A Textual Research on the Original Data About Jue Qing, a Major Writer in the Japanese Puppet Regime in Northeast China 伪满洲国作家爵青资料考索
- An Overview of the Peasants in the Northeast of China Under the Rule of Japanese Puppet Regime from the Perspective of the Group Tribes 从集团部落看日伪统治下的东北农民
- The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime. 革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。
- The "Manchukuo" Puppet Regime was a figurehead set up by the Japanese. 伪满政府是由日本扶持建立的傀儡政权。
- Japanese puppet regime 日伪
- All the efforts made by the imperialists to save the puppet regime went for nothing. 帝国主义者为了挽救那傀儡政权所花的一切力气都白费了。
- A year earlier the Japanese had invaded China and established the puppet regime of Manchukuo. 一个是教堂牧师的儿子,为了对上帝的信仰而发奋努力;
- He followed him north and then the puppet regime collapsed. 他跟随溥仪北上,那个傀儡政权却崩溃了。
- For the sake of the War of Resistance, it is necessary to fight against capitulation, against Wang Ching-wei's traitorous pact with Japan, against his puppet regime, and against all the traitors and capitulators concealed in the anti-Japanese ranks. 为了抗战就要反对投降,反对汪精卫的卖国协定,反对汪精卫的伪政府,反对一切暗藏在抗日阵线中的汉奸和投降派。
- For the sake of the War of Resistance,it is necessary to fight against capitulation,against Wang Ching-wei's traitorous pact with Japan,against his puppet regime,and against all the traitors and capitulators concealed in the anti-Japanese ranks. 为了抗战就要反对投降,反对汪精卫的卖国协定,反对汪精卫的伪政府,反对一切暗藏在抗日阵线中的汉奸和投降派。
- This is only a puppet regime shored up by imperialists'money and guns. 这只不过是一个帝国主义的金钱和武器支撑的傀儡政权。
- Chu regime is a puppet regime, but it is in the nature of transitional regime. 楚政权是一个傀儡政权,但是也具有过渡政权性质。
- This is only a puppet regime shored up by imperialists' money and guns. 这只不过是一个帝国主义的金钱和武器支撑的傀儡政权。
- Which aimed at turning the government Guang hai jun into puppet regime. 这在主客观上带有把光海君政府变为傀儡政权的倾向。