- Japan TAAPI: The Present Situation and The Future of Japanese Paper Industry. 日本造纸技术协会:日本造纸行业的现在和未来。
- Check out Japanese paper hot pot! 试试看日式纸火锅吧!
- Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun has published excerpts from a diary of a former aide that indicates Japan's late emperor, Hirohito, expre ed regret at having invaded China. 日本报纸朝日新闻刊登已故昭和天皇前侍从的日记摘要,显示昭和天皇对入侵中国感到后悔。
- Japanese paper Asahi Shimbun has published excerpts from a diary of a former aide that indicates Japan's late emperor, Hirohito, expressed regret at having invaded China. 日本报纸朝日新闻刊登已故昭和天皇前侍从的日记摘要,显示昭和天皇对入侵中国感到后悔。
- The Japanese Paper Business: Any Light at the End of the Tunnel? 日本纸业在世纪之交的贸易概况?
- Kami-fusen are traditional Japanese paper balloons made of waxed rice-paper. They resemble beach balls and are usually red, green and white in color. 扶桑神是由经过蜡制的米纸制成的日本传统纸气球,类似海滨(娱乐用)气球,通常色彩为红绿和白色。
- The hand makes lambskin chimney and cover of Japanese paper lantern, quality of a material is frivolous and transparent, the light is downy and wispy. 手制羊皮纸灯罩和日本纸灯罩,质地轻薄透明,光线柔和飘渺。
- Experience of Energy Saving in Japanese Paper Mill 日本纸厂节能介绍
- If you use a slightly thicker paper (such as the aforementioned Japanese papers), you will lose some of the malleability, but will have a much more solid looking model, due to its increased thickness. 若你使用微厚的纸(如前所说的日本纸),将失去一些柔韧性,但由于厚度增加的缘故,你的模型看上去更为牢固。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan. 毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- A waiter of the Japanese restaurant bowed him in. 那家日本餐馆的侍者鞠着躬将他迎了进去。
- He was appointed the general consul of Japan. 他被任命为驻日本的总领事。
- She can speak Japanese as well as English. 她会说日语和英语。
- Do you remember taking a trip to Japan with him? 你记得曾经和他到日本旅行吗?
- The brief introduction to Japanese paper diaper production 日本纸尿布生产品种及工艺简介
- Japan exercised her veto to block the resolution. 日本使用了否决权反对该项决议。
- Tom has been to Japan, I have also been there. 汤姆曾去过日本,我也曾去过。