- Mehitotsubou (above right), a large monk with a cyclopean eye, is a variant of the large shape-shifting monks commonly found in Japanese folk tales. 一目僧(上图右边),外表看起来是高大的僧人,只长了一只巨大的眼睛。日本民间传说中有很多高大会变形的僧人,而一目僧就是这其中的一种。
- Japanese folk tales 日本民间故事
- This of course is only a myth or folk tale. 当然,这只是神话传说。
- The type research of folk tale is watershed. 摘要民间故事的类型研究意义重大。
- Scully: So you're basing the theory on a folk tale? 史卡利:所以你是以民间传说作为你理论的根据啰?
- At the west lake, there are many similar folk tales and fables. 在西湖,类似的民间故事和传说还有很多。
- Students are encouraged to turn out vivid description about the folk tale. 学生们被鼓励编写有关那个民间故事的生动的描述。
- The line appears to be a reference to a Cherokee folk tale, whose recounting may shed light on the mind of the sniper. 也许,这个古老的切罗基族传说,能够为我们揭开连环杀人凶手神秘的面纱。
- The folk tales of the period tell of " swan children", and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind, a goat, a lioness, a wolf, ravens, or even rats. 这一时期的民间传说中有"天鹅孩子",童话故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母狮、狼、乌鸦,甚至老鼠等抚养孩子。
- The folk tales of gourd are told among the Lahu, Lisu, Wa, Naxi, Miao and Yao ethnic groups in Yunnan. 云南的拉祜、傈僳、佤、纳西、苗、瑶等少数民族,都有葫芦神话。
- According to the folk tale, three suspects had been brought to justice about a homicide case. 据民间传说,有一场命案中,抓到三个犯罪嫌疑人。
- In the world of American folk tales, almost anything can happen: A cowboy rides a tornado without a saddle . 在美国民间传说的世界中,几乎任何事都可能发生:一位牛仔可以不用马鞍而骑在龙捲风上;
- His works are drawn from Buddhism, Taoism and folk tales legends, to gods, mostly Buddhist people. 他的作品取材于佛教、道教及民间故事传说,以神仙、佛教人物居多。
- Ms Hoffman is renowned for her taste for folk tales andthe lyricism of her fiction. 霍夫曼女士对民间传说情有独衷,她因此而颇负盛名,并以抒情文体著称。
- Folk tales say the game originates from the activities of seeking Qu Yuans body. 赛龙舟是端午节的主要习俗。传说是为了拯救屈原的身体。
- Their most persistent folk tales - constantly retold in books, movies, and television shows - concern cowboys, gun-slinging sheriffs, and Indian fighters. 那些在书籍、电影以及电视节目中流传和复述的民族故事,无不与牛仔、背枪的治安官和印第安勇士有关。
- He returned to Kuala Lumpur in 1978 where he also produced a large number of Minsu Hua Paintings of Folk Tales and Mythology. 黄尧在1978年返回吉隆坡,这时他大量的创作了。
- In such a way, each locality has evolved its own unique folk tales and has transmitted its distinctive habits and customs. 这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍传了下来。
- The folk tales of the period tell of " swan children",and in various fairy tales children are suckled by a hind,a goat,a lioness,a wolf,ravens,or even rats. 这一时期的民间传说中有"天鹅孩子",童话故事中曾有母鹿、山羊、母狮、狼、乌鸦,甚至老鼠等抚养孩子。
- The line appears to be a reference to a Cherokee folk tale,whose recounting may shed light on the mind of the sniper. 也许,这个古老的切罗基族传说,能够为我们揭开连环杀人凶手神秘的面纱。