- Free vector images in Japanese cartoon style. 免费矢量图片日本卡通风格。
- Japanese Cartoon,do you love it deeply? 日本动画片,妳爱它有多深?
- My bushy brows and big eyes made me look like the “Crayon Kid” in the Japanese cartoon! 样子长得粗眉大眼,有点儿像腊笔小新。
- Doraemon temporary exhibition has come to the Shanghai East Asia Exhibition Hall, the latest stop in the famous Japanese cartoon cat's China tour. 作为著名日本动画猫中国之行机器猫哆啦A梦临时展览的最后一站来到了上海东亚博物馆。
- At the beginning of 2002, a japanese cartoon had raised a yoyo hit again.There were many people pick up their yoyo again. 2002年初一套电视动画掀起了新一轮摇摇热潮,有人因而初次接触并迷上摇摇运动,亦有人重新投入这儿时玩意。
- After the japanese cartoon finished its broadcast on TV, many people think that yoyo is not as trendy as it did, and they give it up. 动画播放完毕,热潮冷却过后,不少三分钟热度的人认为摇摇经已过时,把它丢在一旁。
- Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons? 你想要一盘日本卡通的?
- "Our generation grew up watching Japanese cartoon shows and our fascination with dubbing springs from these programs," she says. 她谈到:“我们这一代是看日本动画长大的,那时的配音鼎盛时期令我们着魔。”
- Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too? 你还想要张日本卡通?
- I'd like a VCD of Japanese cartoons . 我想要一张日本卡通片的光盘。
- Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons, too ? 你想来参加我的生日晚会吗?
- I'd like a VCD of Japanese cartoons. 我想要一盘日本动画片的VCD。
- Owner Wang Tzi-wei opened his first Modern Toilet in 2004 after being inspired by a Japanese cartoon and the toilet themes run through the food and drinks menus. 第一家“便所”主题餐厅创办于2004年,创始人王子伟的灵感来自一个日本漫画。“便所”餐厅的菜单和酒水单全都围绕着“厕所”这一主题。
- A sensational save, a turn and twist in the air much like those seen in the Japanese cartoon movies, where goalkeepers just seem to turn into trapeze artists. 这是一次激动人心的扑救,迪达在空中的转体就像日本漫画里的场面,那里的门将好象是在高空秋千上腾挪的舞者。
- Not surprisingly, parents and teachers see something different in the idol drama based on a Japanese cartoon “Hana Yori Dango”(HYD, literally Boys Prettier Than Flowers). 然而毫无疑问,父母和老师从这部偶像部里看到了一些不同的东西。
- Japanese Cartoon Character Collectible Toys 美国求购卡通玩具
- I think Japan is a warlike nation. 我认为日本是一个好战的国家。
- He is, without doubt, the greatest golfer in Japan. 毫无疑问,他是称霸日本的高尔夫球手。
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- Tomy spokeswoman Mei Kudo said that Japanese cartoons often show people and robots as buddies. She said i-Sobot carries on this tradition. 汤米公司的女发言人工藤芽伊表示,日本卡通中的机器人通常是人类的好朋友,而爱秀宝机器人延续了这项传统。