- Japanese banks remain bearish. 日本银行继续看跌。
- EYIL are loans made to customers in Japan by a domestic branch of a Japanese bank but booked in an overseas branch of the bank. 海外日圆贷款由日资银行在其本土分行借给在日本的客户,但在这些银行的海外分行入账。
- Onscreen caption: Japanese banks hold $1 trillion in bad debts. 字幕:日本银行有1万亿美元的坏帐。
- I regret that this problem has somewhat affected some Japanese banks. 你刚才说,这件事影响了一些日本银行的债务,我感到遗憾。
- Formed from the merger last year of two of Japan's four biggest banks, Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ is one of the healthier Japanese banks with a capital adequacy ratio of about 12 per cent. 三菱东京UFJ去年由日本四大银行的两家合并而来,它是日本财务状况较为健康的银行之一,其资本充足率在12%25左右。
- Many banks remain silent,fearing that the bad publicity could affect their position in the stock market. 许多银行对此保持缄默,生怕不利的报道会影响他们在股票市场上的地位。
- Although there is wide support for introduction of a DIS, some large banks remain opposed. 尽管存保计划得到广泛支持,但部分大型银行仍持反对意见。
- Many banks remain silent, fearing that the bad publicity could affect their position in the stock market. 许多银行对此保持缄默,生怕不利的报道会影响他们在股票市场上的地位。
- On both sides of the Atlantic, numerous banks remain neither dead nor fully alive, propped up by government support. 在大西洋两岸,许多银行仍然处于半死不活的状态,依靠政府的支持维持着。
- The Japanese banks have been in trouble ever since the economic bubble burst in 1990. 日本银行从1990年的泡沫经济破裂以来一直处于麻烦之中。
- But international banks remain barred from issuing credit cards in China and the card business is still unprofitable for domestic banks. 不过,跨国银行仍然被禁止在中国内地发行信用卡,而中国国内银行的信用卡业务也仍未实现盈利。
- In the meantime, Shinsei is revising its own proposal to persuade the other Japanese banks to join Abra. 与此同时,新生银行也在修改自己的建议,以便劝说其它日本银行加入阿根廷债券重组机构。
- Okawa:American banks have a slightly different relationship with correspondents than Japanese banks do . 小川:美国银行与日本银行在往来行关系方面稍有不同,
- Although rising unemployment and weakened banks remain a threat to the global economy, the industrial sector's renewed dynamism has boosted hopes of a sustained recovery. 虽然不断增多的失业人口和元气大伤的银行业仍对全球经济构成威胁,但工业部门再现的活力,提振了人们对于出现可持续复苏的希望。
- Japanese banks hoarded their extra reserves, and the policy had little discernible impact on the broad money supply. 日本的银行都把多余的蓄备屯积起来,因此该政策对广义货币供应的影响微乎其微。
- Mizuho, like other Japanese banks, has been 4)saddled with tens of billions of dollars in bad loans. 与其他日本银行一样,瑞穗银行受到数百亿美元坏帐的拖累。
- Sentiment remains bearish;speculative dollar sentiment deteriorated sharply over the past week according to the CFTC Commitment of Traders (IMM) data, to levels close to the lowest for the year. 另一方面,市场则继续看淡,商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)的交易员持仓报告(IMM)显示,上星期的美元投机情绪大幅转差,接近今年的最低位。
- But in many respects, Deutsche Bank remains too small. 但是在很多领域,德意志银行仍显稚嫩。
- The history of Japanese banking industry is driven by merger and aquisition. 摘要日本的银行发展史是聚合与兼并的历史。
- Could I provide Japanese bank books for demonstrating the source of foreign currency? 我能够用日元的存折来证明我的外币来源吗?