- Japanese automotive industry 日本汽车工业
- The automotive industry is the mainstay of the country's economy. 汽车工业是这个国家的经济支柱。
- Automotive industry is a major market for PU. 汽车工业是聚氨酯的主要消费市场。
- Qingdao Meita Automotive Industry Company, Ltd. 青岛美大汽车工业有限公司。
- Experience working in automotive Industry. 汽车行业工作经验尤佳。
- China National Automotive Industry Consulting and Development Corp. 中国汽车工业咨询与发展公司。
- Automotive industry quality engineer experience is prefered. 具备汽车行业的质量工程师经验优先。
- Shen with a new rationale for the automotive industry. 以崭新的理谂服务于汽车行业。
- Growing concerns about the environmental and economic costs of gasoline have driven Japanese automotive manufacturers to focus on developing environmentally friendly technologies. 全球社会对环保和汽油的经济成本问题越来越关注,这也驱使日本的汽车厂商重点研发各种环保技术。
- The automotive industry downsized its cars for improved fuel economy. 为改进汽车燃料经济,汽车工业改小了它的汽车尺寸。
- Toyota was knocked out of its cushy spot atop the automotive industry by both Ford and Chevrolet during the month of April, but the Japanese automaker has no intentions of giving up without a fight. 丰田车队被踢出了其轻松榜榜首位置的汽车产业由福特和雪佛兰4月期间,但日本汽车制造商并没有打算放弃不战而屈。
- GM also has technology collaborations with BMW AG of Germany and Toyota Motor Corp. of Japan, and vehicle manufacturing ventures with several automakers around the world, including Toyota, Suzuki, Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp. of China. 此外, 通用汽车还与德国的宝马汽车公司和日本的本田汽车公司开展技术协作,与丰田汽车公司、五十铃汽车株式会社和中国上海汽车工业(集团)总公司.
- Experts estimate that China automotive industry will continue to develop. 专家预测,中国汽车工业仍将持续增长。
- They are willing to be part of EMH Tech to help Chinese automotive industry. 他们愿意加入美合为祖国的汽车工业尽一份力量。
- Japanese industry is making increasing use of robots. 日本工业越来越多地使用机器人。
- Familiar with bus manufacturing theories and the legislation, regulations and standards of automotive industry. 熟悉客车制造理论及行业相关的法规、标准。
- Platinum is a key resource for the automotive industry, and 90 percent of global reserves are in South Africa. 铂是汽车工业的一个重要资源,全球储量的90%25是在南非。
- Further enhancing the macro-control over investment projects in the automotive industry. 一、进一步加强汽车工业投资项目的宏观管理。
- Minimum 3 years experience in an environment of automotive industry or equivalent experience. 3年以上汽车工业相关经历或等同经验。
- The automotive industry has a variety of cleaning dilemmas that need to be addressed. 汽车行业有许多需要解决的清洁问题。