- Baked noodles with prawn and tomatou! 大虾番茄烤面条!
- Japanese Noodles with Prawns 虾排乌冬面
- Fried Glutinous Flat Noodles with prawns, beansprouts, cockles, eggs, and chinese sausage. 炒果条”是槟城的特有美食,炒时先把面条、条、芽和甜酱油等加在一起炒,之后再加入鸡蛋、、肠、椒酱等佐料既成;其实即如同中国的炒汉中面皮。
- Cray Fish Ramen, it i a non spicy soup with Japanese noodles, and giant prawns. 大虾拉面,不辣的汤底加上爽口的日本进口面条还有新鲜的大虾,美味极了!
- Fried Japanese Noodles with Shredded Chicken 鸡丝炒乌冬
- Stir-fried Japanese Noodles with Shredded Chicken 鸡丝炒乌东
- Japanese Noodles with Shredded Chicken and Ham 火腿鸡丝乌冬面
- Japanese Noodles with Shredded Pork 肉丝乌冬面
- Stir-fried Japanese Noodles with Pineapple and Sliced Beef 菠萝牛肉烩乌冬
- I like eating noodles with soup. 我喜欢吃有汤的面条.
- It's ox tendon with prawn eggs. It's specialty of this restaurant. 这是虾子蹄筋,是这家饭店的特色菜。
- The first course was avocado with prawn cocktail dressing. 第一道菜是鲜虾鸡尾酒拌鳄梨。
- Take instant noodles with porridge come, spend basically last week. 上周基本上是吃方便面和粥来度过的。
- One morning,a father made two bowls of noodles with poached eggs. 早晨;父亲做了两碗荷包蛋面条;一碗蛋卧在上边;一碗上边无蛋.;端上桌;父亲问儿子:"吃哪一碗?
- Certainly sir, would you like some rice or noodles with that? 没问题,那您要不要来点儿米饭或面条呢?
- Dehydrated Japanese noodles under fluorescent lights. Does it get better than this? 日本脱水面,也就是方便面。
- Noodles with beef, green chilli peppers, onion & spices. 青椒,牛肉,山椒,洋葱,意大利面条
- Linguine ai gamberi Noodles with extra virgin olive oil,white wine,garlic,parsley,tomato sauce and prawns. 细面配橄榄油,白葡萄酒,蒜茸,香菜,番茄酱和大明虾
- As for what we eat, well, some of the science-fiction books that predicted that we would all be slurping Japanese noodles have proved to be not too far from the truth? 至于我们该吃些什么,一些科幻小说曾预测我们都会选择吃日本面条,这一说法似乎有些依据。
- Start with classic goi cuon, tiny rice paper-wrapped spring rolls with prawns, pork and rice noodles and devoured with springs of fresh coriander and mint leaves. 第一道菜是传统的夏卷(goicuon),一种小巧的米纸裹成的春卷,里面包着虾肉、猪肉和米粉,就着香菜丝和薄荷叶一起吃。